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Unicorn Mann and Ryan were sitting in a dark room enjoying a level of entertainment that almost rivaled that of watching paint dry. They were in fact in the riveting process of waiting for a photo to develop. Ryan leans back in his chair and sighs. Unicorn brushes his hair out of his face and stares blankly at the wall. Finally Ryan speaks up.

“How do you do that?” Unicorn glances at him. 

“Do what?” Ryan nods in his direction. 

“Last I saw you you had your purple hair and your horn. Now you look normal. How?” 

“Oh, that.” Unicorn shrugs. “I just wish to look normal. I cause less of a fuss if I go as Luke.” 

“Ah. I guess that makes sense.” Ryan sighs and they relapse into silence. At last he stands up and throws his hands up then drops them to his sides. “I can’t do this! This photo is developing molecule by molecule! I CAN’T TAKE IT!” Unicorn grins. 

“Ryan you are wired like a squirrel.” Ryan lets out a huff blowing his hair out of his face and sits down in his chair arms crosses. 

“Yah yah laugh it up Unicorn.” Unicorn winces and glances at the door. 

“Ryan please…” Ryan shakes his head. 

“Sorry sorry Luke, I forgot.” he stands up turns his chair around and stadles it leaning forward against the back. “So Luke tell me. Did anything interesting happen today? See anything cool hear any gossip? Spill the tea.” Unicorn laughs. 

“Ryan no not your precious tea! ” Ryan grins.

“I DO love my tea. But c’mon tell me anything cool happen on your first day?” Unicorn smirks and leans back in his chair.

“Goldy called Casper a slut.” Ryan chokes on a laugh. 

“WHAT?!?” Unicorn grins. 

“Yah I found him kissing her in the hallway. I kinda lost my head and slammed him into a wall. But then he called Goldy his “cutie” and she lost it!” Ryan laughs drumming his fingers melodically against the back of his chair. 

“Wow! Sorry I missed that! Must’ve been quite a show.” Unicorn smiles a bit wistfully. 

“Yah it was crazy. She was so angry so confident so...different.” Ryan watches him a snarky half smile on his face. 

“There he is.” Unicorn gives him a quizzical look. 

“There who is?” Ryan sighs and leans forward against his chair. 

“There’s the hopelessly head over heels boy-in-love I remember. You’re still obsessed with her aint yah?” Unicorn colors and laughs nervously. 

“Ain’t yah? Ryan what kind of grammar was that?” Ryan shakes his head. 

“You two are hopeless. You were so sweet that night you came back and we all danced in the snow. But you’ve barely touched since then. It’s like you both just...forgot it happened or something!” Unicorn avoids looking at Ryan gazing with apparent interest at the developing pictures hung against the wall. Ryan waits in silence until Unicorn finally relapses from silence with a faltering answer. 

“I haven’t forgotten I just...don’t know how to talk about it. Goldy seems so happy to have me back as her best friend and I don’t want to spoil that.” Ryan thinks a moment before speaking softly. 

“So you’ll go back to biting your tongue wishing you could tell her you love her?” Unicorn doesn't answer, he just stares blankly at the wall his eyes level and void of strong emotion. 

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