Chapter 51: Gremlins

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The Saint Maurius Academy had a series of different warnings and alarms for specific emergencies as they occurred. The one that had been triggered now hadn't gone off for years. A little bit of a lower pitch with a high frequency of repetitions. It was distinct and every student knew exactly what it meant: the academy was under attack.

Porter immediately sprung to his feet, shattering the reverie he and Riya had entered together. Riya slowly got up as well and both shared a look of sadness that they wouldn't be catching a break this time. The door to the side of the pair slid open (since it was now a legitimate emergency) and they looked in to see the panic amongst the students. What kind of assault was it? Would they be using Goliaths? Or was it some sort of ground-to-space missile?

The school shook once again and Porter grabbed Riya as she tried to catch her balance. Inside the gymnasium they could see the four chaperons running around trying to organize everybody and reducing panic. Rick, sensing an opportunity to do what he loved, dashed into the change room and, seconds later, leapt back out in full Circuit Breaker uniform, electrified sword in hand.

Shotuku had withdrawn a couple of slippers and was brandishing them on students in order to keep them in line while Miss Sakura had withdrawn a whip (presumably used on Mr. Toriyama normally) and was cracking it above the heads of the young pilots.

Raul and Emera stumbled out through the emergency exit, along with Gretta and Ardwen, who all looked a little shaken up by the sudden interruption. But the members of the Crisis Rescue Unit all had hard-set faces. They weren't novices anymore. They had been into the field of combat. Of course in those situations they had been outfitted with fifty-foot tall behemoths that protected them fairly well. This would be different.

"We will keep the others here." It was Mr. Shotuku who had appeared next in the doorway. "If any of the attackers come here then we will hold them off." He held up his slippers and the students nodded in understanding.

"What's going on though sir?" Riya queried.

"Office says there's been a breach in the wall of the academy and something has been boarded. They guessed we were hit with four different pods, each one big enough to hold a Gremlin." The gathered teens exchanged glances. It was well known what Gremlins were. They were a major concern for all facilities in outer space and everyone had been trained to be prepared for them. "I need all of you to attempt to take them down. Some of the other teachers are already starting to track them down but they'll need your help. It would be particularly useful if some of you could get to the core of the academy and protect our power generator. We're guessing that is the main target."

"What about Nami and Chase?" Ardwen asked.

"I don't know where they are. Maybe they're trapped in the crowd at the dance. If I find them I will send them out. Otherwise I'm leaving Porter in charge of the group." The elder teacher nodded in the designated leader's direction before turning back to re-enter the gym. He stopped in the doorway though and withdrew a katana from his robes. "Rick had an extra Porter; he said to give it to you." The weapon clattered to the floor as Mr. Shotuku left it behind and the door slid closed, leaving the six in the hallway.

Everyone turned to look at Porter, and he passed his hands through his brown hair, brushing it back and trying to wipe the thoughts out as well. Clarity, focus, that was what he needed now. Leadership. Shotuku had picked him even with Ardwen right there. It was time to act then. Time to save the school.

Porter bent down and wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the sword, slowly lifting it and feeling its weight. "Right, then let's move out," the new commander stated with a grim tone. "We don't have a lot of time to work with. Raul what kind of weapons do you have on you?"

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