part two

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youre an idiot, you are an absolute idiot for sitting in a convenient store next to a crying man who happened to be johnny seo. you don't know what came over you or why johnny opened up and talked to you.

but you felt something special, in the way he spoke and made you feel. hes different, you don't know why. but the coincidence of that situation is all too real to be dismissed.

typical you, you go into a convenient store for almond milk and blackberries and walk out with some freaky connection to a member of NCT.

you slap your forehead multiple times in sheer disbelief as the people in the coffee shop look at you with concerned expressions. several forehead slaps later you regain your composure. then sit up straight, push your glasses up your nose and fix the back of your hair.

jack kerouac seems all too boring to read at the moment, so you place the book pages face up on the table in defeat.

its been five days since the "convenient store" had happened and your mind has been askew ever since. reading and sleeping have become difficult because you cant focus or stop your brains endless regurgitation of the events.

you long for a cigarette but opt for the coffee and croissant placed at the opposite end of your table instead. because one positive aspect of enduring a time consuming  crisis is that food seemed to taste better and coffee seemed stronger.

you calm yourself by listening to the lull of violins seeping through the cafes radio.

you hear the door open and the coffee grinder start. the cold from outside circulates the café and sends a sharp chill up your leg, you reach over to put your book in your bag but find a figure standing beside you instead. you jump up almost hitting them in the head.


you look up to find johnny beside you yet again.


you say again. your heart is galloping in your chest. you calmly slip the book into your bag and try to regulate your heart rate.

"sorry, i saw that you were here and i just wanted to say hi and maybe talk about a few things."

"yes of course" you reply motioning  for him to sit.

you don't really understand why hes here. you thought youd never see him again, him being a celebrity and all, but here he is none the less.

"sorry for intruding but I just had to see you again." you nod still confused.

johnny is too, but hes been thinking of you and believes the best way to get over you is to talk everything over and hopefully leave this coffee shop with a peaceful conscience.

"so?" you start unable to think of anything else.

"first I just wanted to say im not who you think I am." you look straight into johnnys eyes to see If hes joking, but hes not. he really thinks that you don't know who he is. people thought you were stupid, but this? just embarrassing.

"okay well here it goes," johnny says genuinely concerned. you try to supress your laughs.

"im actually johnny seo, from NCT." his eyes widen, nervous as he looks into yours, you don't even blink.

"im y/n." you reply holding your hand out to shake.

"from this city"

you add with a light smile. he tilts his head in surprise that you weren't at all effected by his big news.

that was ten minutes of practicing that neither himself, nor his mirror would ever get back.

he slowly shakes your hand. he doesn't ask if you knew, but he gathers that you did and prays that his face isn't turning as red as he feels. you seem so oblivious to who he is and act completely normal around him, now even a little rude.

almost no normal people acted like that around him.

"okay, now that that's over with," he chuckles lightly. "I just wanted to talk about the convenient store." you nod, wanting to address that as well.

" first off thank you, I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there. I was in a bad place, and, well..." he trails off staring at the ground no doubt reminiscing what had happened. you wait for him to continue.

"something had happened before, and I just couldn't take it anymore, and then that happened. im pretty embarrassed now actually, but... I- I really don't think I could of avoided it."

his voice grew softer and softer, his tone reminded you of her yet again. trying to comfort him, you speak,

"one. don't feel embarrassed, what happened happened, im glad I could be there, and who gives a shit anyways. two, you don't have to thank me. I did that because I wanted to and you helped me a lot too."

he tilts an eyebrow unconvinced.

"hey, believe it or not people can be in a bad place. just not look it." you say probably too firmly.

he throws his hands up in mock defence which thankfully lightens the mood. you smile lightly.

"okay fair enough," johnny nods slowly then speaks.

"i don't think ill ever be in the place i was when you found me, but i do think i still want to be with you. if-if youre okay with that?"

he looks at you in question hoping to god you don't say no. he didn't mean to ask to see you again, but once the two of you started talking he knew he had too ask. you nod your head.

"no i'd actually like that very much, can i give you my number?" you question in a slight high pitched voice, no doubt from nerves.

"strictly for our business agreement of course," you add.

he laughs and pulls his phone out of his back pocket and hands it to you. you shakily type in your number, then hand him his phone back. johnny tries to hide his blushing but is sure his ears are giving him away.

"oh soot, i have a rehearsal that was postponed to later tonight. i better get going."

"oh yea that's fine i uh hope you have fun." you say all too quietly.

"i'll text you soon!" he beams as he runs out definitely late.

"sure!" you trail off unsure if he heard you. you pull your fingers through your hair wondering how many phone numbers johnny has given out, and why it upset you that he had to leave so soon.

you hear your phone buzz and pull it out of your bag. anyone else sitting around you would of found it weird that you were stupidly smiling into the screen of your phone. but you could care less, because the notification was a text that read:

"how's tuesday night at my place?"

god, hes slick now? you never would of thought. you also never would of thought that youd reply:

"ya sure! ill be there for 8:30. but don't worry we wont go past your bed time :)"

god, what are you going to do with yourself.

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