part five

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johnny was going to see you again.

he knew this as a fact because he had texted you a brief message that said he wanted to talk to you again and you had replied yes, even adding in two smiling emoticons.

he hadn't just asked to see you again because he jerked off to the memory of you dancing at the club in his bedroom. johnny hoped to actually avoid the whole "incident" all together.

he was going to ask you about you being at the club though. he was so shocked when he found you there.

he wasn't trying to be rude, but you didn't strike him as a person to be very social or like clubs. but there you were, a completely different person. he better phrase that in a more positive way or his first visit with you would be his last.

johnny pops out his left hip carefully inspecting his outfit he was going to meet you in. the jeans weren't too tight but fit well, his sweater looked casual yet high end, and his sneakers were more fashionable than sporty.

johnny nods at himself in approval and grabs his wallet and keys, the two of you had decided to stay at the NCT dorms because all of the boys had left on this weekend night, so you two would be all alone.

johnny being excited was an understatement. you two had also decided that he would pick you up from the train station, which is where hes heading now. he checks himself out one more time in the front foyer mirror as he exits the dorm running over conversation starters as light rain drips onto his freshly washed hair.

you didn't have to think about what to wear because you already new it would consist of black pants and a black top. as your train pulls into the station you adjust your glasses and finger comb your hair.

nearly two minutes after you stand under the bus shelter waiting for johnny the rain picks up. it really picks up.

falling out of the sky in thick streams you felt like you were under water. the black sky swirls above you as loud cracks of thunder explode from the clouds.

was this a sign?

you hope not, because there was a hurricane not far from here, your area was probably just lucky enough to get that storms discharge.

you could feel the rain seeping into your clothes, you frantically look for shelter. the terminal is crowded with umbrellas and damp unhappy patrons just like yourself and you knew you wouldn't fit inside.

. could this night get any better? you desperately hope so.

johnny frantically pulls the car up to the terminal ten minutes later and hurriedly hops out of the car, looking at you shivering in the cold and soaked to the bone.

"wow this storm is crazy." johnny says matter o factly opening the passenger sides door for you. you slowly ring out your hair nodding in agreement.

"the weather station says its actually a mini hurricane and there is slight flooding in the south."

you tense up immediately. you live in the south area.


"uuhh im pretty sure the whole neighbour hood near the lake has to be temporarily evacuated and-"

"shit." you yell slapping the top of johnnys glove compartment in defeat. johnny looks at you wide eyed.

"oh is your house there? should I take you back?" you nod your head in defeat.

"no, I live on the top floor of an apartment so ill be okay. I suspect the electricity will be out though, so i'll be sleeping in the cold and the dark."

great. today was working out just great for you.

"umm, y/n. don't hit my glove compartment again because im afraid you'll break it, see there's already a tiny dent." he points to a small scratch that you definitely made, but you shove his hands away embarrassed none the less.

"but," he continues. "the roads and trains are down and blocking the area so you wont be able to get home for the time being. no one in your area will."

he squints his eyes, ready for your expected anger.

"that's just great, I don't get my paycheck until next week so I cant afford a hotel." you hold your head in your hands wrecking the meticulous finger combing job you did earlier. but you were so mad you didn't care. where were you going to sleep tonight? out in the rain, in a bush or a shed?

"y/n." johnny says softly, calming you down slightly.

"if you would like too, you could sleep on the couch at the dorm tonight."

you were shocked, your eyes bulged out of your head and your mind froze. you were going to be sleeping at the NCT dorms near johnny.

oh lord, tonight just got better and worse at the same time. funny.

"oh if you'll let me, that would be great."

"ya sure its no problem" johnny tries to say as cool as he can manage.

"really thank you."

the two of you blush intensely at the thought of you sleeping so close to johnny, and you both avoid talking the whole ride home. opting to listen to the rain instead.

over the course of the next half hour, the two of you drive to his dorms and let yourselves in. johnny hurriedly shows you to the bathroom and gives you clothes to wear, his face is extra red for some reason. and you go into the bathroom looking a little flushed yourself.

you shake your head when his heavy and probably expensive bathroom door swings shut. this was going to be a long night

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