part seven

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you wake up with harsh sunlight piercing through your drowsy eyes. you jolt suddenly because youre not in your bed, there are mens clothes on the floor and there is someone sleeping beside you.

then you remembered in a single exhale.

you were at johnnys dorm, in his bed beside him. you'd kissed him and told him your deepest secrets and he talked to you about a russian author and being in jail.

you exhale flopping back onto his warm bed no longer concerned about whatever was outside of his soft sheets. you feel a hand tug on your hair and flip over smiling.

"how you doing sleepy head?" he drolls in a deep morning voice that is so enticing your tongue almost lolls out of your mouth.

you push it back and play with the curly hairs on the top of his head. he trails his hand down your back, but not too far. he still remembers what happened last night.

he watches you scrunch up your face, then laugh at something.


he questions perplexed.

"all of my boogers fell to one side of my nose and now i cant breathe out of it."

johnny laughs and snorts, watching you continually try to breathe out of your nostril, smiling from how weird you could be. he never thought youd say something like that, but then again who is johnny to think that he knows everything your going to say.

"that's gross but slightly insightful." he retorts. you then mock push him.

after, johnny looks down because he feels a sharp pain.

and now he has two major problems.

the first is that he has major morning wood, probably part of it still lingering from last night. but nonetheless, he knew it wasn't going to go away by thinking about rotten fruit or elderly people.

the second is that he's laying beside a beautiful girl who is millimeters away from rubbing against his boner, and if he gets up she'll definitely notice and get weirded out.

this whole restraint thing was going to be harder than he thought.

you stretch out your legs unaware of what's happening underneath the covers. you have no problem sharing a bed with johnny even though you aren't dating. you've never had a great grasp of "personal space." and this to you, was no different.

"im really hungry is it okay if i get something from your kitchen?" you ask hoping johnny can hear your stomach growl for emphasis.

"i don't know if that's such a good idea, all the boys are home. i could bring something in for you?" he tries to convince you unable to imagine what the boys would do if they saw you.

"nonsense, i have brothers, and im hungry."

you hop out of bed stretching your aching muscles from sleeping cuddled into johnny.

" y/n can you at least put some pants on, look i have some here."

he really doesn't want the other guys looking at your legs. not only does he feel slightly territorial over you, he knows they'd stare and think about you, which enrages him.

he reaches over to the dresser beside him making sure too keep the covers over his "problem" frantically looking for anything to cover your gorgeous legs.

"nope ill be to sweaty." you insist, not sure why hes being so weird about you going to get food.

"oh! after can you also get my clothes out of the dryer ." you sing as you practically skip out of his room. johnny slaps himself on the head laying back in awe.

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