part ten

442 10 4

johnny got up before you, he rose from the bed with a light smile on his face. he looks at you heavily sleeping, unaware of the brightness  outside. it was only 10:30 so he figures you could be sleeping for a little longer and he could go get something to eat while you still sleep.

you snore lightly and johnny scrunches his nose at how cute you look. his whole body is rigid and hurting from last night. he blushes too himself, he cant believe he did that. he tries to remember every little detail of last night without getting out of hand.

he smiles and laughs too himself, these thoughts carry him into the kitchen.


taeyong yells annoyingly while standing up out of his chair waving his arms like johnny was a soldier coming home from a battle. johnny hides his red cheeks into his shouders as he steps up into the kitchen passing a few of the boys.

"why the blush johnny?"

mark teases ruffling up his hair. johnny smiles and twitches his nose.

"nothing, you guys are just so weird."

"hes done it oh my god hes done it!"

mark yells also standing out of his chair joining taeyong in jumping around. they hold hands and yell.

"johnny got laid! johnny got laid!"

johnny wants to strangle both of these annoying boys but is too tired to do so. he believes waiting to do it later when they least expect it will suffice. yuta just looks at him and chuckles while continuing to eat his strawberries. johnny grabs a banana and slowly peels it as mark and taeyong finally calm down.

"so, john?"

taeyong asks sitting back down. johnny makes wide clueless eyes because that conversation starter could literally lead down so many different paths.

"how was it?"

mark finishes annoyed, like taeyongs equally sassy twin sentence finisher. johnny rolls his eyes and twitches his nose again.

"oh my god two nose twitches it must have been mind blowing!" mark yells.

johnny hits the table in frustration. he was about to wonder how mark could read his mind but then remembers that he usually twitches his nose out of embarrassment and mentally smacks himself in the head.

"I think I heard some of it!"

jungwoo yells like a toddler, running to a seat between mark and yuta.

"at first, I thought hey, that's a loud chipmunk. and then I listened for a bit longer and thought, hey I didn't now chipmunks knew how to speak. especially words like the ones I heard-"

johnny lunges forward half joking and pushes jungwoo so he almost falls off the chair. he hears the others boys laughing and chuckles, wondering how he got stuck with so many smart asses.

he tries to not let them ruin his fantastic mood, but every minute that passes proves how hard that really would be.

johnny glares at jungwoo and mark, who are smiling at each other mischievously like they had accomplished some big thing by simultaneously annoying and embarrassing johnny.

then, johnny looks at taeyong whose pursing his lips and puffing out his cheeks mocking yuta who had stuffed so many berries in his mouth he looked like a squirrel.

johnny notices this all too real humiliation party made especially for him. but he what he doesn't notice is you approaching the kitchen from the hallway.

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