part four

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johnny cant stop thinking about you. the whole way home from the club he hadn't softened up, not even a little bit. he knows its because he cant stop thinking of you.

the curve of your ass, the slope of  your neck, the deep red colour of your lips. he knew that he liked you before, but now he knows that was an understatement.

he doesn't think he'll be able to see you again if he cant touch you or be with you. johnny knows this is weird, hes wanted to fuck girls before. but never with the abrasive need thats currently flowing through his body.

he lets out a small moan as the tip of his cock rubs against the tight fabric of his jeans. its not enough contact. fuck, the way you were dancing, he wanted you right there. if he closed his eyes he could imagine those hip rolls were done pressed against him.

he doesn't just feel this way because he saw you in skimpy clothing. if johnny knew you for a while these feelings probably would of still developed, even if you wore all black and baggy t-shirts. because johnny has also realized that he doesn't just want you in skimpy clothes either, he would actually prefer you wearing whatever you felt most comfortable in.

tonight had just acted like a trigger for him, speeding up an inevitable process of him falling for you. he needed you because of the way your lips curled when you smirked, or the way you always seemed to have everything under control.

he took his length out of his pants, moaning when the cold air reaches him, aggravating the angry pink colour of his cock. low growls escape his lips as he lightly rubs his length up and down. his whole body jolts from sudden relief and pleasure, "shit," he breathes.

he just lightly touched himself and almost had an orgasm. his dick is vibrating and twitching needing to be released, just the thought of you has him violently spun and painfully hard.

he shakes his head almost laughing at the situation hes put himself in, how he almost came in his pants like a teenager at a club because he thought of a girl. johnny rubs his pointer finger across the sensitive slit on his tip, spreading the precum around.

he lifts the finger to his mouth and sucks harshly, the salty taste of his cum assaulting his senses. he imagines its yours, that he has his fingers curled inside your warm folds and you violently shake and moan against him. then he lifts your sweet cum to his mouth and licks it all up. he pushes his finger farther back into his mouth, moving it slowly so he can feel it touch the back of his throat. his hips buck into the air while his cock screams for attention.

he grabs his base with the whole of his palm and frantically jerks himself off. his hips move frantically from the sudden motion, and low moans roll out of his wet lips. he feels his high coming so he doesn't stop moving his hand, chasing his release. his moans start to grow higher pitched until anyone walking by would probably think he was a child throwing a tantrum.

and then, it hits him. all too fast the pressure residing in his cock shoots out in thick streams of cum, hes vibrating intensely as the streams don't seem to stop. the pressure increases and his vision blurs from the intense pleasure pulsating throughout his body. he arches his back trying to supress his screams as his body starts to come down from his high.

johnnys consciousness checks in and out. but finally, he opens his eyes and hes still in his studio. hes still in his chair, jeans pushed past his knees, his limp dick still exposed to the cold air. his big hand still wrapped around his thick base like he forgot to move it off after he finished his mind numbing orgasm.

he moves his hand away moaning from the loss of contact. johnny just had the most intense orgasm of his life, by himself. he ruffles his sticky hands through his hair un aware of what to do next.

hes embarrassed he'll admit. but he also feels so good, you make him feel so good. he doesn't know how he'll ever look at you again, but he knows he should. even if nothing comes out of it, this was definitely a sign or something.

he cant think straight but figures a cold shower will definitely help. so that's just what he does, as he undresses he wonders if youd ever be his, if you even liked him. he thought about a lot of things in the silence of the dark dorms, but almost always, his thoughts always circled back to you.

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