Party Selection

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Allana Skywalker returned to the corridor where the others were waiting.

"Some things have changed." Allana was used to speaking cryptically, in case of hidden cameras. Tenel Ka had taught her that eyes would be on her in every moment— even if she couldn't see them. "I have a new mission. To Ahch-To."

Finn raised an eyebrow. "Ahch-To? There's nothing left there besides a bunch of huts and old rocks. Rey took all the texts with her to the Praxeum."

Allana shook her head. "When I was a little girl, I was told that if the family ever got separated to go to Ahch-To."

Nellith frowned. "Why didn't we go there after the Second Purge, then?"

"I didn't then, because I knew Thea knew about Ahch-To," Allana confessed. "She might still. But it's at least worth a try."

"Of course," Rose said, eyes shining brightly. "You think we can find Ben Solo there, don't you?"

Poe shifted uncomfortably. "It'd be a lot better if we could find Rey—"

"Well, my mother isn't here and hasn't shown up for three years," Allana snapped. "If we can find him, my father will have to do."

Nellith gave her an uneasy look. Allana forced herself to look past, to stand in that way Lady Serra taught her, to look regal and Hapan—

"I can't go with you," Danni finally said, shattering the silence. "I need to work with the science division on recovering the contents of the hard drive. There's a few projects in there that we need to start, too."

"Neither can I." Sam avoided Allana's eyes. "Aunt Kaydel needs me for testimony at the Senate."

"That's alright, you've been though enough." Allana smiled encouragingly.

"We'll follow you anywhere," Valin promised. "We know Tahiri's coming with us, anyway—"

"We Jedi need to stick together anyway," Kyp lightly jabbed his elbow at Valin.

"Ow, yeah, sure, whatever," Valin groaned.

"We have jobs to do here, so you're on your own, I'm afraid," Finn said. "We need to convince the Senate that this is worth fighting for."

"That's alright," Allana assured him. "We have all that we need."

"Err— what about me?"

All eyes fell to Nellith.

With the new information, Allana's stomach churned at the sight of her twin. Was Nellith truly on their side? Or did whatever Darth Keera did to her still linger underneath, waiting to be awakened?

"What do you mean?" Allana asked.

"Aren't I coming?" Nellith raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe it's a better idea to stay here in Chandrila, maybe with some doctors that can help you remember—"

"He's my father too." Nellith crossed her arms over her chest. "And I still have my powers. I can help you, just as much as the other Jedi can."

"Problem is, you're a flight risk," Valin reminded her.

"Wait, what?" Poe looked rather lost at the Jedi's quips.

"Apparently I was up to some dark side activities during the period I can't remember," Nellith explained. "I mean, technically, we don't know if it was a clone or something else— but it sounds like Darth Keera got me and used me as some kind of sleeper agent."

Everyone took a step away from her.

"Really?" Nellith's crossed arms started to look less like a defensive measure, and more like she was trying to give herself a hug. "I don't remember it— and I want to find Dad just as much as anyone else. Plus, maybe he could help me, if Thea still has a grip on me?"

"He could." Allana had to concede that point.

"Besides, if I did do all of it myself— I'm still holding onto my evil clone theory, by the way— how else can I redeem myself?" Nellith pointed out. "And isn't it safer for me to be with Jedi, who can make sure I can't hurt anyone?"

"With that logic, we could send you back to Coruscant," Valin said.

"It's your choice," Tahiri finally said. "You're the one that's supposed to be a Jedi Queen. You hold the power."

"Then my sister goes with us."

At the end of the day, the trust was instinctual, like trusting her own body.

"Thank you." Nellith's eyes were wide, her expression solemn and sincere. "I'll prove it to you— I promise."

Allana just smiled and nodded.

That was when Vasilisa tugged at Allana's sleeve.

"Your Grace, I do not wish to interrupt on Jedi business, but I'm afraid that there is one matter that we are overlooking—"

"We'll discuss it when we reach our lodgings," Allana promised.

"Speaking of which, the speeder's outside, and he doesn't want to wait too long," Poe said.

"Come on," Kaydel said, smiling affectionately at her husband. "Let's get going."

It was when they sat in the main living room of the Chancellor's home when the handmaidens and Allana finally talked about the issue that Allana knew concerned them all.

"The Queen Mother is sending a transport tomorrow since I reported that we did deliver the New Republic soldiers home," Vasilisa explained. "She expects you to come back to Madrassa right away."

Allana shook her head. "No, not now, not when I'm so close to finding the rest of my family. This is the one thing I've wanted all this time—"

"We know," Vanya said, a sympathetic look on her face. "That's why we're going to figure it out, aren't we, girls?"

"Figure out what?" Amalia was the one to voice what everyone was thinking.

"Our decoy maneuver!" Vanya cried. "We've been training with it all this time— we finally can put it into action!"

"Who's meeting us on the transport?" Allana asked. Because with the Force, they couldn't fool Tenel Ka.

"Not even Lady Serra will be meeting us there, just members of the Chume'doro," Vasilisa said.

Allana could feel a buzzing excitement about her handmaidens. "This could be a viable plan, ladies. I can use the Amelia disguise while seeing you off— the Chume'doro don't know that she isn't a real handmaiden."

"The question is, who is our best bet for your replacement, Your Grace?" Inanna asked.

"Sansa." Allana knew it without a shadow of a doubt. "You have the closest facial structure to mine, and you've got my exact eye color. A little makeup can trick the eye, and we can dye your hair a little darker to get it exact."

"Are you sure, Your Grace?" Sansa gripped the edges of the ottoman that she sat on nervously.

"You and Vanya were always the best at it, but I think we'd miss Vanya's colorful personality," Allana said. "I know you can do this. We've spent the past three years practicing this— and what if we can pull it off?"

"We have fooled Lady Serra before," Inanna reminded them. "She mixes us up constantly!"

"Exactly!" Allana felt a smirk she'd inherited from Han Solo creeping up her face. "Sounds like we've got a plan! Let's get to work, ladies. Morning rises soon."

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