The Holocron Puzzle

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As soon as she had done it, Allana regretted it. She looked to her twin, distraught, before diving to the ground to try and pick up the shards.

"What have I done?" Allana whispered.

Then, for just a moment, Echo Base was silent. The computers stopped chirping. The wind quit howling. And the shards of the holocron in her hands reformed in a burst of red light.

Then the vision of her mother appeared.

"Connect the pieces, and you'll have your answer."

The holo disappeared— it was cryptic and concise. While Rey wasn't always like that, she certainly had her moments.

"We need to take this back to the Falcon, then," Nellith said, placing a hand on Allana's shoulder. "I bet the pieces connect, and they'll tell us where Mum is."

"I hope they will." Allana pocketed the holocron, taking far more care after her episode of anger. She had almost lost her mother entirely because of her impatience.

But still, a part of her wondered how much longer she would have to wait as she picked herself up off the floor. She sighed and followed her sister out of Echo Base.

She could only hope the end of the chase would come somewhere.

Everyone, including Valin, sat and stood around the dejarik table. Jysella darted into the room, arms filled with the other holocrons.

"Jakku, Endor, Korriban, and now Hoth," Jysella said. "This is everything Master Skywalker gave us."

"This is everything we need," Allana said, even though she wasn't entirely convinced, herself. "I guess we just. . . Meld them together?"

Kyp nodded. "One of us for each holocron."

He then placed his hand over the one they took from Korriban. "I'll help open this."

"I've got the one from Jakku," Jacen added.

"I'll take Endor."

"I guess that leaves me with Hoth," Allana said.

They then closed their eyes, reaching out with open hands and feelings. Their focus went to opening the holocrons— up in general, and towards the others.

To reconnect, to become one.

Just like the Force.

Allana opened her eyes to see the holocrons bonding together. Red and blue light stretched out in forked lightning, embracing the golden pieces and forcing it all together.

In the center, hovering about a foot above the table, was a holocron in a shape that Allana had not seen used for a holocron before.

It was a large polygon that glowed violet as it locked together and set itself back down onto the dejarik table.

All eyes were on her now.

With an elegant flick of her wrist, she opened the holocron.

The purple transparent holo of her mother appeared.

"Mum— where are you?"

"The time has finally come, my daughter," Rey said, her face stoic— ominous, even. "It is time for the Jedi Queen to take her throne and end her sister's betrayal of the Force."

Valin frowned, but Allana decided to ignore it.

"We can't stop Darth Keera without you, Mum," Nellith insisted. "Where can we find you?"

Rey smiled— but it was a different one than the sunny joy their mother usually wore on her face. It was more coy, more reminiscent of her Palpatine lineage.

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