Force Psychosis

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"I'll miss you while you're away again." Nellith hopped onto the bed, right next to the open trunk, where Allana was packing away her clothes and things. "I mean, we just got rooms and real beds again— you'll be missing out."

Allana smiled as she turned, folding a tunic. "Well, there are plenty of beds on Hapes, so I suspect I won't be missing anything."

"Fancy kriffing Hapans."


Nellith rolled her blue eyes. "I really will miss you, though. We only just got back together again."

"I have a duty to a people." Allana placed the folded tunic in the trunk, taking care to make everything about it neat. "I don't get to just drop it the second it becomes inconvenient. Even if I took it on under different circumstances."

Nellith leaned back, kicking her boot-clad feet into the air and placing her hands over her stomach. "I thought Tenel Ka didn't force you to become the Chume'da."

"She didn't," Allana assured her. "But I don't think I would have taken on the responsibility had I known for certain that my powers would come back. I did not know any other way I would be able to contribute to the fight against Darth Keera, without the Force."

"And yet people like Danni Da Dameron seem to manage it just fine."

"Come on, you know what I mean." Allana took down the final cloak and inspected it for dirt or soot from blaster-fire. "It's different, when you've known the Force all your life. To suddenly be without it. . . It's like losing a part of you. Not just an arm or a leg, though. A part of your soul."

"I couldn't imagine it," Nellith admitted. "I don't remember if I felt you or not, back before the whole amnesia thing."

"I don't think you could," Allana said. "The others said they couldn't, and I doubt Keera wanted to risk that I'd be able to find and intercept you, while you were doing. . . Whatever it was, that you were up to."

"Right." Nellith was immediately less exuberant, less bright in the Force. "Promise you'll be careful, at the peace conference. I know Tenel Ka used to be a Knight of Ren with Dad, and that she's an old friend and all that, but I think she's crazy if she thinks that Keera can be reasoned with."

"I think so, too, but I can't disobey the Queen Mother, especially as her heir." Allana closed the trunk, setting the lock with her birthdate. "Don't worry, I'll still have my lightsaber. And I haven't seen it, but I'm pretty sure Tenel Ka still has hers."

"When is the Coral Wyvern coming?" Nellith asked.

Allana shook her head. "Different ship coming. Star Home— the royal cruiser. It's like a city."

"Crazy-rich kriffing Hapans."

Allana sighed and shook her head with a smile. "I don't know what I'll do without you."

"Me either." Nellith sat up and hugged her sister. "But we'll meet again— the galaxy won't be able to tear us apart for so long again."

"Right." Allana separated from her sister. "I've just got some quick business to take care of, and then I'll be at the spaceport, waiting for the envoy."

"Valin business?" Nellith raised an eyebrow.

Allana could only breathe and nod.

She entered the medbay, where Masters Tionne and Clighal were standing. Inside an examination room, Valin sat patiently on the end of the examination table. There were dark circles under his eyes, and perhaps it was a trick of the eye, but he looked more gaunt.

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