Violent Delights and Violent Ends

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Allana sensed it just seconds before it happened— but there was nowhere to run, as the ballroom had become a battlefield. Something bad was about to happen— even worse than the destruction of the treaty they had worked so hard to create.

Before she could shout a warning or anything, something tackled her. She skidded back several feet before hitting her head against the marble. Her vision blurred and black spots danced across it just as someone fell on top of her. His body pressed against her and she struggled to break free.

Then the ballroom was set ablaze. Allana coughed at the smoke, and managed to crawl out from under the now-limp body on top of her. In horror she realized that she recognized him, why the Force hadn't warned her about him.

"Valin," she whispered, turning him onto his back. There was shrapnel embedded in his leg, parts of his clothing singed onto his skin, and burns everywhere.

He managed to squint, opening his hazel eyes. He coughed— Allana felt a small prick of relief that it wasn't blood, that he might be alright.

"You saved me," she whispered. "How did you know?"

"I saw them, in a dream— they placed the bombs beneath the ballroom," he explained, before succumbing to another fit of coughing.

"Who did this?" Allana tried to prop him up, but he was heavy.

"Hapans," he said. "They planted the bombs— Brakiss killed the guards on our cell block—"

"They were working together." The final pieces were clicking into place for Allana. "You saved me, you fought it, the sickness."

"Just barely." Valin managed to shake his head. He slumped back, eyes closing again.

"Valin, Valin, talk to me—" Allana's voice rose in desperation as she felt for a pulse. It was still strong, but there would have to be so much done—

Then she looked up. Through the flames, she saw Kyp Durron run to his sister's body lying on the floor. Her father was sprinting past nobles and officers alike just to put out the flames on her sister's dress.

At once, Allana was no longer on the ballroom floor, surrounded by flames. She was standing in a desert, as a very different fire claimed her childhood home. She saw Anakin's body on the ground, looking just like Nellith's. . .

Allana blinked, and she saw Ben looking at her, his mouth was moving but she couldn't hear what he was saying over the dull roar of the Force. Her head spun, the painful deja vu disorienting.

Then she felt it, an impression in the Force, pushed along by her father.

Get to Tenel Ka. The image of the Throne Room hit Allana. She gently laid Valin down and removed her saber-staff from her thigh holder. And then she ran.

She ran so fast her skirts could have been mistaken for wings or for the plume trails of a speeder. Nothing else mattered— she had to get to the Queen Mother in time.

She sprinted through the hallways, past fleeing members of all three major parties, pushing civilians out of her way with the Force, like there was a physical bubble surrounding her and repelling all others who dared come into orbit.

She stretched out a hand as she approached the throne room and the doors flung open for her. She nearly stumbled over her skirts as she halted to observe the scene.

Brakiss was standing in between Allana and Tenel Ka. The Queen Mother was standing by the arm of the dragon throne as she fiddled with something in her hand.

"At last, I will finally fight the legendary Kara'Ren," Brakiss declared, raising his scarlet lightsaber. "We'll see how weak you have become since your return to the light."

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