Jedi Queen

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Smoke drifted into the night sky— it was as clear as it was four years ago— another night on Tatooine when the desert was afire.

This was not the same, however, as the night when Allana had lost everything. There was no panic, no fear, no running around trying to escape, to find those she loved and help them flee with her.

Instead of holding her little brother in her arms as he died, she stood at a distance holding the hand of the man she loved. Said little brother stood closer to the fire, with the rest of the family she had once feared had been lost in that fire. She wasn't clad in an old nightgown, but rather formal mourning wear amongst the Jedi, her finest clothes beneath a rich brown robe with the hood drawn all the way up.

But like on the night of the Purge, Allana had lost a sibling, and there was great sorrow in the Force. But it was not the same kind of sorrow that they held then, for innocents and good men who had been slaughtered by traitors and an evil that refused to die.

This was for the potential of a young woman who had lost her way, only to regain it in the very bitter end.

Allana couldn't help but wonder if she had been there, and not Nellith, if she could have turned Thea back to the side of he light, if she could have saved her oldest sister.

A part of her knew better than to blame Nellith for Thea's death— she had to make her choices, alone in the heart of Centerpoint Station. But the part of her that continued to love her sister in spite of all the atrocities she had committed would nag at her for the rest of time, what if, what if?

But just because she held that conviction in her heart didn't make it true, and Allana had to admit that she was less familiar with what their sister became than Nellith was.

Maybe it was for the better, that Nellith had been there, able to do what Allana never could.

The twin moons moved further in their trajectory as the flames began to dim. The silence felt less necessary— so whispers and low voices began to fill the night air.

"It's a tragedy, what happened to New Alderaan," Valin finally said. "When they finally regained their royal heir, they ended up becoming involved with their great monsters."

"They're moving more towards a democracy now," Allana explained. "At least, a democratic monarchy—- and none of us would be willing to step up and take over Thea's role as the queen. So it may be another generation before the House of Organa is returned to New Alderaan."

Valin nodded as he stared into the heart of the flames. He seemed to be thinking. Allana thought back to her questions before she had ascended on the Throne of Balance.

"I have to return to Hapes shortly after this," she confessed. "I have responsibilities now that keep me chained there. I'm afraid I can't go gallivanting around the galaxy much after this."

Valin nodded again, not looking at her. Allana bit her lip, irritated at his lack of a response.

"I wish we had more time together," Allana tried again. "I was meaning— I wished to ask, that is, if you would return with me."

Valin turned to look at her, hazel eyes wide and startled. "Return with you?"

"It does get rather lonely at Per'Agthra." Allana attempted a coy expression. "I know you probably want nothing to do with me after all that has happened to you, and I wouldn't blame you if you did, but—"

Valin interrupted her with a kiss. It was short and sweet, and they broke away quickly. But it was confirmation of the years to come in an abstract after that was drawing closer to reality and the present.

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