A Daring Rescue

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It was night on New Alderaan when the Millennium Falcon landed in the royal spaceport. After a tense exchange with Tahiri working the radio, they managed to end up in the correct lot to meet their mole.

Tahiri fronted the group as the loading ramp descended. They entered the New Alderaanian night. A full moon shone overhead like a floodlight, illuminating the white spires and durocrete so that there was no shadow to hide in.

"Zekk!" Tahiri couldn't hold back her smile. "It's good to see you again."

Nellith felt stupid for not guessing it sooner. He'd gone to live with Thea after her coronation as her official lover and future consort. Indeed, he wore one of the highest-ranking uniforms in the Remnant.

"We'll have to move quickly— if the Empress has discovered I've betrayed her, we'll have to make a fast escape, and I knew I could hide my true loyalties for only so long." Zekk's bright green eyes ran over the group, taking in each member. He stopped at Ben. "Master Solo— I'm thrilled that you're here."

"I'm thrilled that you weren't actually relapsing into the dark side again," Ben said.

Zekk shook his head. "I'm happy I was rescued from Tavion— I have no need to go back to the dark."

His eyes then found Nellith, and his gaze softened. "I'm happy you got to the Princess Leia safe and sound, kid."

"Wait— you put me in the cryogenics?" Nellith frowned.

"We'll talk about it later— but we both agreed to the arrangement, before your memory— but again, we need to get a move on," Zekk amended hastily. "Come on, I disabled the security sensors in the laundromat. It won't last long."

The party huddled close to Zekk as they headed inside the Mirrorbright Palace.

Dressed in uniforms of teal and black and gray, in contrast to the white setting, the party continued onwards.

They were familiar to Nellith, and of course, there were many reasons why. Even from what she could remember, she'd been there once, for her sister's coronation.

The Mirrorbright Palace was a labor of love. Every nook and cranny had a beautiful detail, showing the designs and artwork of Alderaanian artists. The halls were well-illuminated but not harsh, to display everything in glows of beauty.

Zekk led them across the corridor from the first lift to the second. Nellith frowned.

"There wasn't a lift there on the lower levels."

"Clever," Zekk said. "Although you wouldn't remember this anymore, it's a security measure to protect the Empress against any threats."

He then pulled out a keycard, and inserted it into the panel beside the lift.

The doors split open for the party, and Zekk gave off a gentlemanly gesture.

"Ladies first."

Tahiri snorted as she took him up on that.

After the party crowded into the elevator, Zekk joined them, and the lift shot up to Darth Keera's personal apartments.

Zekk was the first to enter, and he beckoned the others to join him after a quick sweep of the area. Darth Keera wasn't there.

"Master Zekk, is that you—"

Never was Nellith so relieved to see the droid.

"Mistress Nellith! It is a surprise— after the way Mistress Thea carried on, I thought you were never coming back— and you have brought friends!"

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