Chapter 4

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"good morning." As always usual, Joshua greeted me once again. Every day I will enter the class he will start greeting me a good morning, even though, I always reply him a simple nod. After that, I'll be all silent.

Last night, I cut my own wrist again. Depression is attacking me again last night. I didn't even tried to drink my medicine and I just let myself cut my own wrist. Right now, I'm wearing long sleeves that will cover the scars and wounds on my shoulder down to my arm and down to my wrist.

A! I forgot, I always wear a clothes that will cover my cuts. So, nothing new about my fashion style. Boring.

"Come on! When will you greet me back?" He pouted in front of me. I look at him weirdly.

"Wtf dude? Stop that, it didn't suits you." I said and as what I said, he stopped.

"Hey my group band will going to the nearest noraebang here. Wanna come with us?" I gaze at him emotionless. Is this dude are being serious?

"Do I look like I sing? Tf dude," I said uninterested.

"I just wanna hear your voice."

"You're already hearing my voice."

"No! I mean-"

"Dude, just stop. I won't go."

"Please! I will stop bothering you when you come."

I stare at him unbelievable. Since I want him to get out of my life. Maybe this is only the solution.

"How can I sure you're going stop bothering me when I go with you?" Making sure if he's telling the truth. Maybe he's just tricking me. Or taking an advantage, saying he will stop bothering me when I go but, the truth is. He's not.

"Come on! Do I look like I'm lying? I love God and I will not going to break one of his rules." He said assuring every words he say. I paused for a moment before sighing.


"Good! Later! 8:30 in the evening is the meet up."


"To the mcdo."

"There's so many mcdo here."

"I'll just text you."

"Make sure you're not going to break your promise."

"Hey, I didn't even make promises. I just said I'm going to stop bothering you when you come."

"Just make sure you're telling the truth!"


As what I'm expecting, when I opened my locker, it's already full of trash. How the hell she can open my locker? I have my keys!

I took a deep breath. I pick up the papers from the floor but, I soon stopped. I noticed something on the paper. I slowly open the paper and just smiled from what I've read.

Get out of this school and die!

Get lost!

Stop flirting with Joshua!

You're such a flirty!


Go die!

Disappear already!

I stopped reading some papers and sigh. I immediately throw the papers from the trash and get some books from my locker.


"Be yourself, Y/N." Joshua said when he saw me sitting from one of the tables inside of the mcdo. He's with the other guys that I haven't meet yet.

"Ah guys! This is Y/n, my friend." He said introducing me to them. "And Y/n, they're my group band." He said and the guys smile at me. I fake smile.

"Say the name! SEVENTEEN! HI WE ARE SEVENTEEN!" I suddenly flinched when they all say that in unison. I nodded.

I don't know how to react towards them, I just simply said 'hello'

"Can we go now?" I ask them and they all nodded and we all went out of the mcdo. I silently walk following them from behind.

"Hi noona! I'm Dino." The guy said smiling at me. I fake a smile once again and nodded. They're just pretending that they like me but, the truth is they're not.

"Uhm, Noona. You sing too?" I stare at him silently. I don't know what to answer but, silence. He nodded when he got no response coming from me.

"Opxx sorry." Someone just bumped into me, and hit my right wrist. I whine in pain and hold it quickly. The others look back at me confused.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't know you're there." One of Joshua's friend told me. I nodded and continue to walk.

"Hey, are you alright?" I just suddenly found Joshua besides me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Really." I replied.

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