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Life isn't life without fighting and I fight my depression because of Joshua. I thought that everything exist to hurt you and left you with pain. But because of Joshua, he showed me the true meaning of things around us and appreciate small little things.

A fight without a passion isn't a fight and Joshua became my passion for fighting my depression and bring the happiness back to my life.

I found everything that I was looking for to Joshua. He treasure me the most and gave all the love and support to me that I haven't been experienced for the past years.

The love that I haven't been experienced after the incident, I felt it again. I feel important, special and love. Everything. And that is because of Joshua.

Love isn't just a word that created in this world. It has a different purpose with a different persons and this word helped so much that I'm slowly getting addicted to it. I feel everything that I was looking before and appreciate everything around me and it's because of Joshua.

"Thank you." That words is the only words that can escape my lips from all the kind and hard work he has done to help and love me.

"For what?" He suddenly asked, facing me.

"For everything.." We stood up in front of the dark and crowded place as I felt my heart pounds faster than  ever.

"You're always welcome.." He held my hand and smiled at me before facing the people in front of us.

The light turned on and landed on our place while my stares glued to the fans sitting on the chairs; watching us in front.

"Are you ready?" My eyes wondered for a moment before I locked my gazes to S.Coups who was watching us with a proud flashing on his eyes. His friends give us a smile and thumbs up that ease my nervous in me.

"Yes." I said and faced him. And in that day, we revealed our relationship like how we explained everything to their company last week. Even tho some can't accept us, most of the fans support and accepted us.

While standing on the stage, I couldn't help myself but cried how happy I am. He loves me so much that he decided to reveal our relationship and to let the people know how he loves me and happy he is with me.

Before I could give up on my knees, Joshua already hugged me and lets out a words that made me smile even more.

"I love you, thank you for everything.."


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