Chapter 14

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"Hey, Josh." I said when I saw him waiting outside. I lock the door and walk towards him.

"How's your morning?" He started the conversation.

"Fine.. I know yours too." I said. We walk pass the road when the light turns res. We continue to chit chats and laugh on our way to school.

"Y/n." He called out to I simply hummed.

"Do you like someone?" I halted and felt my cheeks burning. I immediately shake my head and say "no." That made him laugh and so do I.

"Wow. That was a good time to make the atmosphere awkward." I laugh a little bit. Joshua besides me stayed quiet.

"Are you feeling fine now?" He suddenly asked when we reach the school gate. I stop walking and look back at him. I spread my arms wide and smile. Foe the first time.. He saw me smile like this.. For the first time.. I see myself smiling like this.

"I'm totally fine now. Thanks to the both of you." I said and spin around. We continue to walk until we reach our department building.

"It's my first time seeing you laugh and smile." I nod my head in agreement cuz he's right.

"Back then, sometimes when I'm alone, my head gets full of thoughts. And at times, I suddenly feel a sense of emptiness and decided to hurt myself ended up full of scars. But, when I meet you.. I don't know now.. Although I sometimes feel the same thing too when I meet you. But the feeling of emptiness fades." I told him as we enter our classroom. I look back at him and give him my reassuring smile. "You change me a little bit back then.. And it keeps continuing.. Thank you for that. I owe you my life." With that I went to my seats.

Time passed and it's lunch time. I grab some food at the canteen and wondered around the school, while walking I can see Joshua running towards me. "Y/n!!!!" He screamed my name while panting and I went towards him, "What's wrong with you? What's with the hassle?"

"You see... uhhh-"

"Drink some water." I handed him my water bottle and he started speaking again, "You see the school is going to held some event, some Students are conducting some members every club."

"Then what do you want me to do then?"

"Let's join pleaseeee?" He pleaded me, he is doing aegyo. Okay How to calm geez!

"But I haven't done those things, usually I go home when the event starts."

"Ohhh come on Y/n don't be such a kill joy person, come on it'll be fun, besides my friends will come too."

"But me and your other friends are not close to each other so..."

"Nahhhhhh, pleaseee Y/n????"

"I'll think of it."

"Okieee dokieee." He smiled at me and I look at my other side, god, how come you gave this precious person to me.

"Y/n-ssi let's go to the canteen."

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