Chapter 2

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Entering my room, I quietly walk towards of my seats, next to the window. Awhile ago, I'm just quiet entering the building when I suddenly heard some news that, there's going to be a new transfer student. They didn't even know who's who. I just know that, the new kid will transfer same to my class.

And also, is like I give a shit to the transfer student. I never pay attention to them. I don't even care about them. As long they're minding their own business, I'm out of they're way.

I glance at my table and saw a sticky note. I read what's written on it that made me rolled my eyes.

Thank me later! I design your own table. Hope you like it!


What a bunch of stupid people. I took the sticky notes and throw it on the trash can near me. I just realized that my table really changed. It has so many different kinds of hand written with many different kinds of insult words.

I look out from the window and waited to the class ended.


Our prof enter the room with a guy besides him, all of my classmates went back to their seats and waited to our prof to speak.

"As all you can see. I have a new student here. He's going to be one of your new classmate so be kind to him. Introduce yourself my child." Prof said as the new kid introduce himself. I didn't pay attention that much on the guy and just do my thing. Not until I heard him speak.

"Hi I'm Hong Jisoo, but, everyone prefer to call me Joshua. Hope I can get along with you guys." He said that made me lit up my head and saw him walking towards me. Oh! I forgot. I have a vacant seat next to me.

There's 2 vacant seat here in the classroom and why on earth he even chooses to sit besides me. The hell I care if he become my seat mate.

"Is there anyone sitting here?" The guy named Joshua said. It's like I already heard his name somewhere. I forgot where.. or they're just have the same name?

"Do it looked like someone owns that seat? See? Clean? And mine are mess?" I sarcastically said pointing my table comparing to his. He nodded and sit there. I frown when he chose to besides me and not in front of me. Besides, Venidic.

"I'm Joshua. You?" I glance at him and scan him from head to toe.

"It's better that you don't know my name. So shut the hell up." I said before looking outside of the window. Soon, he didn't even try to talk after I told him those words towards him. He just need to shut up. His voice making me more annoyed and irritated. I don't want to have a seatmates in the first place. All I wanted is being leave alone. And now... Just wow! I can't believe what just happened.

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