Chapter 3

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After the classes, it's already lunch break. I sat up and exited the room. I walk down the corridor and went straight to the cafeteria.

After getting my food, I scan the whole cafeteria to find some table to sit but, all tables were occupied. I sigh and continue to walk.

"Hey! Y/n! Over here!" I heard someone call out from my name. I turn around to see Joshua waving towards me. He's with a random guy. They're  both looking towards of my direction. I raise him my right eyebrow.

"Join us here!" Joshua said. I rolled my eyes at him and glance those Students. Apparently, they're all looking at us whispering.

I don't have a choice but, to share a table with them. I walk towards them and sit in front of them. I quietly eat my food, uncomfortably.

"Ah,  Dokyeom, this is my classmate, Y/n. Y/n, this is Dokyeom or Seokmin, my friend." He introduced. I nodded and continue to eat.

"Nice meeting your classmate." The guy named Dokyeom said. When I'm done eating, I immediately stand up and drink my juice.

"Thanks for letting me share with your table." I said before walking away from their table. I exited the cafeteria and went to my locker.

I unlocked my locker door and open it to see a bunch of trash inside. I also didn't notice that, there's another sticky notes infront of my locker.

Stay away from Joshua, you bitch!


I sigh and take the sticky notes and throwing it away to the near trash can before I clean my locker. Taking some books that I'll be needed, I luck my locker once again. I went back to the classroom and study quietly.


"Are you really that type of girl? You're really something." Joshua started a conversation in the middle of Prof's discussion.

"The hell you care? Is like I give a shit to the both of you." I said and heard him chuckles.

"Usually, when some girls saw us, they go crazy. Sharing table with us will make them faint.. but you? Hahaha! You're really something." He said so I glance at him emotionless.

"So what do you want me to do then? Act like them? Not even in your dreams. You're not even that much important for me to act like that when you're around." I said and went back listening to prof. He shake his head.

"You really don't know that much about KPop huh?" I heard him mumble but, after that I didn't already mind him the whole class.

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