Chapter 21

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"I love you so much." She kissed me and I didn't dared to move even an Inch, we stayed in that position for a minute and she hugged me tightly, I smiled a bit and we went back to sleep again.

[ 7:15 a.m ]

I woke up early to make some delicious breakfast for the both of us, I took 4 egss and bacon, I made some salad too.


"Oh good morning Y/n, did I woke you up?"

"No not at all, I didn't feel you by my side and I decided to get up."

"You missed my presence?"

"Shut up." She hid her face from embarrassment, I let out a silent chuckle and served the food on the table, "Something is missing."

"What is it?"

"What do you want? Coffee? Water? Orange juice? or Milk?"

"I'll go with water."

"Okay." She stood up from her seat and fetch some drinks for us.

"Here's your water."

"Where's yours?"

"I got milk hehe."

"Oh, let's eat then." We started to dig on to our foods, I stared at her how she eats, "Starring is prohibited Mr. Hong."

"I was not starring at all." She shoved me a small piece of egg and bacon to my mouth and chuckled, "Eat before you flirt." I continued to eat again and had a small sinple talk with Y/n.

[ 7:46 a.m ]

"Any plans for today?"

"Hmm, I don't know."

"Well check if you have some schedules for today before we plan what we will do you know."

"Yeah you're right." I went upstairs to fetch my phone and check my calendar.

"Hmmm let's see, November 12... My schedules are clear!" I exclaimed and ran towards the kitchen, I saw Y/n washing the dishes and I gave her a tight back hug, "Yah Joshua!" She exclaimed and almost dropped the plate to the ground, "Teehee sorry about that."

"What's with the mood huh?"

"My schedules are clear! We can spend the whole day together!"

"Awww that's so cute, but first let me finish my job here okay?"

"Yes baby." I peck her to her cheek and went to the living room.

I sat down, waiting for Y/n to finish.

Ugh! Why does this take hours though? "Y/n?!"


"Are you done?"

"Not yet! I'll organize some stuff here in the kitchen."

"You gotta br kidding me." I went inside the kitchen again and saw her wiping the cabinets, some glass containers and organizing stuffs placed on the table.

"You're planning to clean the whole kitchen?"

"Yeah since it's messy and the surroundings of it has no life."

"Well if in that case, I'll be organizing the living room then."

"You sure?"

"Yes I am very sure."

"Okie dokie, you can go and grab some cleaning tools down the basement."

"Thanks." I left the kitchen and went towards the basement, I grabbed all the things I needed for cleaning and for organizing.

"So let's get the day started!"
I exclaimed.

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