You're Best Friends and Something Happens

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You were babysitting with Charlie and the kids wanted to play outside. You had gotten into a nerf fight and you were hiding behind a tree with one of the toddlers. You had made plan and it was being executed. "Ow Charlie I fell!" The kid "tripped" and started to fake cry. Charlie quickly came and helped the little girl. While he wasn't looking you came out and shot him. You grinned as he looked up shocked,"I win Jones you stuck your tongue out and your little actress strutted back to your side. You kissed her cheek and whispered, "Good job I'm really tired princess can we play a bit later" she nodded and skipped off. Charlie got up coming to realization of what happened. "I'm gonna get you back" he took of running after you and you ran away in giggles. He tackled you and you both rolled on the grass. He laid next to out of breath and laughing with you. You looked over and he met your eyes. They seemed so much deeper than before and you got lost in them. He noticed too and his eyes were searching your face for an explanation as to what had changed.


You were sprawled out on your couch on your phone and Reece was on the other side doing the same. "Wanna watch something?" He was hanging out with you for the day and you usually ended up watching something. You were best friends and you knew each other better than anyone else. You started the movie without his confirmation knowing his answer beforehand. It was The Notebook and Reece groaned and you glared at him. He just huffed and cuddled with you. It got to the sad part and you started to cry he pulled you closer and comforted you. He kissed the top of your head and you liked it surprisingly. He didn't do it again but you felt better.


James was having a party at his house and of course you were invited. James was like your brother and you would probably kill him if he didn't invite you. You got there and walked in. You searched the crowd for James and found him quickly. "Y/n!" He said giving you a hug and introducing him to his friends. You knew most of them and chatted. James and yours favorite sing played and you gave him a look. "Be right back" You said to everyone and dragged James to the middle of the room. He pulled you close in fear of you getting crushed by the intoxicated bodies surrounding you. You rested your head on his shoulder with his arms around his waist and swayed to the music. It was great, you felt safe, but dangerous like it was forbidden.


You were on your period and Tom had come over. "You might wanna leave I'm gonna turn into a raging bitch soon" He chuckled and sta next to and cuddled you. You were confused but gave in since you never put down a cuddle. You were basically on his lap, in his arms when you started to cramp. You groaned in pain and winced. Tom quickly got up and returned not too long later with chocolate. "Here." He handed it to you as you nodded in gratitude. You took a bit and looked up to see Tom's gorgeous eyes watching you. He seemed amused and interested. You felt an urge to kiss him. He leaned forward and so did you. Then out of nowhere a phone rang. It was yours. You pulled back and reached to get it. As you answered whoever had called Tom blushed and made some excuse to why he had to leave so abruptly.


"MIDNIGHT MEMORIES OH OH OH BABY YOU AND ME STUMBLING IN THE STREETS" You yelled perfectly describing you and your best friends situation at the current time. You were both tipsy and you were frolicking down the streets. You called an uber and got inside in giggles. Casey started to laugh because you got in and landed on his lap. He stopped you from getting off and you didn't mind. You turned to look at him and he kissed your neck. You arched into him and he continued. It felt so good but suddenly you both realized what happened. He stopped instantly when you stiffened, "shit y/n I didn't even realize" You nodded, "me neither look we're drunk let's just move on?" He nodded and you thought to yourself, I don't really want to though.


You were out with your best friend and you decided to eat at Nandos. You didn't notice but the paps had followed you. Barclay was telling you a stupid joke that you laughed to when one of them sprung at you. "Are you dating Barclay Beales" he said with a camera. "No I'm his best friend" you said and blushed because your hand was in Barclay's. To someone else it would look suggestive but you did it all the time. You were like his little sister he took care of. After the paps left Barclay said, "would it be that bad for them to think we were dating?" He sounded hurt. "Not at all Barc it's just I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea right now" His eyes widened at the right now and he smiled. He leaned in and whispered into your ear, "good". You pulled back blushing.


"Hey beautiful" Chris said answering your phone. "Hey ugly" you answered automatically. "When are you picking me up?" You were waiting for your best friend to take you to the mall. "On my way now" Soon enough he was waiting outside and you got into his car. When you got to the mall you went to Victoria's Secret first. "Chris focus!" He was looking around while you were smelling perfume. "Its hard to when there are provocative bras around you" you giggled at that. You grinned at your evil idea, "tell you what I'll let you help me find three bras" Chris was ecstatic he quickly took off on search. He came back a few mintes later with an extreme push up, a lacy black bra, and a very sexy red bra. You just scoffed as you took to the changing room. You got in a stall and heard Chris say, "Can I come in?" You quickly objected. "Can you at least model them for me" you thought about it and silently agreed. You were wearing black skinny jeans so at least you weren't completely bare. You came out in the first one. Your boobs were already quite big and the push up made them very big. Chris blushed instantly and stiffened as you modeled. "What'd ya think?" Chris just nodded profusely he didn't trust himself to speak. He was finally noticing how big your boobs really were. Next you put on the black bra and walked out. "Fuck." Chris said adjusting his pants. You walked back in and snickered. Poor guy. This was your pay back for years of torment and teasing. Finally you wore the extremely sexy red bra. The deep color contrasted against your tan skin making you look hot. You decided to tease him more and called him inside the room. "Chris can you come in I'm too embarrassed to come out" you yelled which was a lie. He yelled back, "coming" and knocked. You sprayed on some perfume ready to kill whatever dignity he had left. You opened the door and saw an already very flustered Chris. He looked you up and down and his eyes wouldn't leave your chest. You tried you best not to laugh as he grew more flustered. Truth was you actually found Chris really hot and it was getting harder to control your feelings. "I don't like this one it looks weird" you said looking in the mirror. Chris stepped forward and looked you in the eyes. "Y/n I think you look really hot so hot its hard to keep my hands of you" You pushed yourself against him and led his arms around your waist whispering hotly in his ear, "then don't" His eyes widened then darkened with lust he quickly pushed you against the mirror and got lost in your beauty.
(A/N I apologize for the Chris girls that I killed)


You walked down the halls with your best friend by your side. You went to lunch and Jake sat next to you. "Y/n that chick is staring at me what do I do?" You looked at the girl who was indeed eyeing him. "Do you want me to?" When either of you had a boy/girl problem you would pretend to be each others boyfriend/girlfriend. You started to laugh at whatever Jake said and he even put his arm around you. Lunch ended and the crisis was averted. Your last class was shared with your other friend and she said, "I didn't know you guys finally got together" Your eyes widened and you quickly explained what happened. "Well everyone was really damn glad it happened even if it didn't" you blushed and just nodded not knowing how to react.

A/N sorry for the sexual Chris one Night Changes was amazing and I'm so glad to say my first date was with One Direction. I love you guys and stay cool. Sorry its so late again I've been refreshing all day.
PS I might write a part two for Chris's that might be more sexual and tells you what happens afterwards

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