"Why Do You Love Him?"

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"I don't know how to explain it but when I'm with him everything feels right."

A fan has asked you this question and you answered honestly. You really did love Charlie and you had since you were very young.


"He makes me feel safe, like if anything happened he will be there and stand by me no matter what."

You could depend on Reec, he would always know what to say or do.


"I can't list all the reasons but he's just so amazing and he's the best person I've ever met."

You and James relationship was quite private buy when a fan asked you couldn't stop yourself. Your love for James was obvious even if you didn't talk about it.


"He always knows what to do or not do and I can just my entire life with him. I love him so much."

You often thought about your future with Tom. You knew you would spend the rest of your life with him, your love was that strong.


"He makes me feel alive but still safe. With him I'm at my wildest, craziest, and best version of myself."

Casey made you feel alive in the best ways. With him it was always an adventure but you two still knew how to stay in and have a lazy day.


"I love everything about him, what's not to love? He understands me and I understand him and we really have this unbreakable bond, I love him."

You couldn't express your feeling for him through words, they were too strong. Barclay was your best friend, your lover, and he was your home.


"One of many reasons is he makes me laugh. With Chris he always knows how to put a smile on my fave and I think that's very important."

Being with Chris you were never unhappy. He made sure his princess was taken care of.


"He's the perfect match for me and its like he understands me perfectly. He's just the most funny, kind, enthusiastic, adorable, hot person I've ever met."

Jake and you had been best friends before you started dating. Everyone thought you were dating because how close you were. You loved him unconditionally and vice versa.

A/N I have like a few minutes to update but yeah I love you guys and stay strong <3
PS listen to the song cuz why not

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