If you don't know Jake pt 2

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A/N you guys rrquested a part 2 to jakes in the last one so here you are

"And the shirt that I had that you always borrowed
When I woke, it was gone
There was no tomorrow"

Days had passed since you left him. You had been holed up in your room and didn't do anything besides eat, sleep, cry, and watch Netflix. You checked your twitter and went straight to his profile. His tweets were very dull and seemed fake. Almost as if he had just typed them and felt nothing. He had been calling but you just rejected every call. After a week someone knocked on your door. You crawled out of bed and got the door. It was him.

He stood looking as bad as you did. Messy hair, red eyes, sloppy clothing, and the look of heartbreak. You whimpered as he pulled you to him. You couldn't help yourself as your arms went around him. "Jake we can't," you said and realized you had started to cry.

His eyes started to brim with tears as he held you, "y/n I can't let you go and I don't care if the entire world hates us being together, I will still love you and no one can take that away from me. These past few days have been absolutely terrible I've turned into a robot all I day is eat, sleep and repeat. I love you y/n and if you still feel the same then why fight this?"

You looked into his eyes as he spoke. He was right no matter what you would always love him. "I can't fall out of love with you within a week. I love you Jake Sims and nothing will change that." You smiled a bit and he cheered picking you up and kissing you. You giggled and knew that everything was going to be okay.

A/N don't worry I have more coming up but now I have Jake feels which is very bad
I love you guys and I hope you all get 8/8

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