You Get Shipped With Someone Else

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Charlie stormed up to you showing you his phone, "what is this?" It was a photo shopped picture of you and Niall from One Direction complete with a ship name. "OMG IS THAT REALLY A SHIP?" You squealed. "Well its trending worldwide so..." You saw the jealousy on his face and frowned. "Hey more people ship us together, I'm sure its just a joke," you kissed his cheek to make him feel better.


You looked through your Instagram and checked your tagged photos. You saw the picture of you with Joe Sugg from the time you met him. It was everywhere you clicked on one of the pictures and saw that people were shipping you two together. You commented, "this is hilarious but my otp is still me with Reece :D" You showed Reece and kissed his face repeatedly until he had to chuckle.


You were really good friends with Barclay and you took this pictures of your matching shirts. You had both worn them coincidentally and thought it was funny so you took a picture. Ever since that people freaked out and started to ship you together. You tried to tell everyone how you were just friends and you loved James and only James. James of course saw this and tweeted,

"#Y/S/NForever!" You retweeted it and found James and kissed him saying, "you're my one and only."


You had a long standed obsession with the show Teen Wolf and the character Dylan O'Brien and you couldn't contain it anymore. You tweeted about it and people started flipping out. Soon people started shipping you two together. You showed Tom and asked for help. Tom was very jealous which was pretty obvious. He didn't know what to do and you just said, "Toooommm you know I always love you and only you right?" You grinned widely until he gave in and chuckled, nodding.


You got home to find a enraged Casey. You raised your eyebrow and he showed you his phone it was a picture of you kissing Luke Hemmings from 5SOS on the cheek with the caption,"I ship this." You gawked at it for a while it was clearly fake but it was surprising how many people retweeted it. "Its fake that was a picture of us but I don't know why," Casey calmed slightly. You kissed him and said, "everyone ships us more than and I always will."


He texted you a picture of a worldwide trend of your name mixed with someone else's. Then he sent you another one of many pictures of you with Ansel Elgort. You replied with: Omg I only mentioned his name once

He said: once was enough

You: ugh sorry babe by the tommorow hopefully they'll remember I only belong with you


You saw a picture of you being shipped with Tyler Oakley and you could not stop laughing. You were a big fan of his and you tweeted him and he responded. After that you became internet friends. When Chris saw it he just laughed because he knew it was obviously a joke.


You opened your twitter to see one of the trending hash tags of you with Daniel Sharman. You fangirled a bit then went looking for Jake. "Maybe we should keep our crushes to ourselves from now on?" You nodded and giggled. He kissed you and said, "Plus I'm way hotter than him."


A/N kinda lame I'm sorry but my mom is taking my phone to best buy so pray it will be fixed and she doesn't look through it
I love you guys and stay beautiful x.

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