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Harvey's reaction to getting chased down an alleyway was to skid to a halt. Although this warranted in Adelaide getting abruptly stopped too. She let out a quiet 'oof' as she managed to catch herself before she fell to the floor. Aiming his gun in Batman's direction he smiled thinly. "Tsk tsk, never took you for a stalker, Batman."

"Harvey-" Batman never managed to finish his sentence because Harvey had fired his gun. Dodging out of the way of the bullet meant that he was momentarily out of their vision. Taking this moment, Harvey picked up running again and pulled Adelaide with him.

Finding a darkened, smash windowed building he quickly nudged her in. She ran and hid behind a cabinet. Harvey stayed leaning against the door with his gun in hand. The two of them were silent as footsteps ran down the alley. Adelaide peeked out from her hiding place, Harvey looked over at her and slowly walked over. He crouched down in front of her. "When we say; don't go out. We genuinely meant, don't go out." He said in a whispered but angry tone. "You knew, you knew that Batman could get to you, and would try and find us. Yet you still went out." Adelaide leaned against the wall to try and get a little space between her and him. When Harvey's angry moments popped up, they really popped up and frightened her. Pocketing his gun, he stood up and looked down at her. "Get up." Adelaide jumped up and looked up at him. Harvey turned and walked away from her. Adelaide walked after him slowly, stuffing her hands in her pockets she stopped walking when Harvey exited the building through the back door. He noticed she wasn't with him, and turned back to look at her. He took a step forward as she took a step back. "Come here."

"No," Adelaide frowned. Harvey's eyes narrowed in her direction as he took another step forward. She stepped back again.

"Adelaide, we're not playing a game of tag. Come here." She still refused to budge. "Bad side up, you move, good side up you do whatever it is you are doing." He said irritated, flipping the coin in the air he caught it and held his hand out.

"Call it."

"Good side."

Harvey's eyes dimmed slightly at her answer. Uncurling his fingers he looked at the coin in his palm, Adelaide peered over and looked too. "Luck is not on your side, Adelaide. Now move." He turned and walked off again, Adelaide stepped forward and walked after him slowly. It seemed like Harvey at this point in time was missing and the more angry side of his personality had taken over. She was keeping distance between them. She meant it earlier on. When Harvey had his angry moments, she really did fear him. Probably because the Harvey she knew from the time in the hospital, until his accident, wasn't angry. Not like this. He peered over his shoulder every now and again to make sure she was following him. Frowning lightly he looked forward again.

Batman never found them, Adelaide didn't know whether to be relieved at this, or not. Watching as Harvey walked past she leaned her head against her hand. She'd not spoken to him since earlier on and things were starting to get more odd. Harvey was blatantly trying to figure something out, and she didn't want to question what exactly.

"If the coin landed good side up, what were you going to do?" He asked while turning on his heels and walking over to her. Adelaide blew a piece of her hair out of her face and shrugged. "You honestly don't know?"

"I do. But I don't think you want to hear the answer."

"I do."

She looked up at him and sighed quietly. "Leave." Harvey did look half hurt at her answer, the other half didn't have a reaction at all. "Harvey, when you have...well...your little moments, you scare me. The unpredictability of it, scares me."

"You're scared of me."

"Half of you."

"Half of me," he corrected quietly. "Maybe you should go."

"And go where? I don't have anywhere to go which the police or Batman don't know about."

"When said like that, you make it out like staying with us is better than going and starting a life up from nothing." Adelaide hung her head in her hands. She didn't want to get into an argument with half of him. "We're going out. Stay here, we mean it this time. Stay here, are you listening to us, Adelaide?"

"I heard you."

"Good. We don't want to have to escape Batman again because of your idiotic moment." He stated bluntly while walking out of the door and slamming it behind him.

Adelaide sighed and reached over, tugging the material away she looked sadly at the woman beside her. "Sorry for invading." It was the truth. The two of them literally did a house invasion. Harvey flipped that annoying coin, it came good side up so the people here lived. Only he didn't want them making a noise or else he'd have to flip again. Hence why they were gagged. Adelaide took to taking off the binds around their wrists. "Can you be quiet? And please, don't call the police. I'm begging you." Adelaide looked at the woman pleadingly. The woman in turn nodded stiffly and wrapped an arm around the child beside her.


When it came to stealing money from bank accounts which belonged to mob bosses, Harvey originally thought it would go fine. No. There just had to be someone else here, trying their luck. "My name is Coyne, Joe Coyne. But you can call me the Penny Plunderer. Empty the vaults and your pockets. Give me all you money, but give me it all in-"

"Change?" Harvey smirked. "That's funny, and ironic. We've been telling the people of Gotham that's what they've needed for a while. But I'm here to bring it, not take it away." Harvey shrugged and walked to the counter. "I'm only here to withdraw from the accounts with the last names Falcone, Maroni and Bertinelli." He smiled at the man behind the counter. Looking up he looked towards the windows when sirens and flashing lights appeared.

"You're making a mistake! This was my job, you should have cleared this with the Penguin, Dent!"

"We don't go by 'Dent' anymore. We only go by-"

"Two Face," a voice said from the other side of the bank. Both men who were pointing their guns at each other looked over. "Penny Plunderer, both of you lower your weapons." Batman said seriously, like always.

The Penny Plunderer listened, naturally, and leaned down to place his gun on the floor. Harvey on the other hand kept his aim steady and didn't budge in the slightest. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the man who is most responsible for the so called freaks who inhabit this city. And I give you the answer...my answer courtesy of a coin." Harvey aimed his gun upwards towards the coin which was suspended from the ceiling. Firing twice caused the harnesses to snap and for the coin to fall. When the coin landed on the floor with a heavy thud, Batman immediately took to trying to stop it rolling and destroying the building. Although the coin did roll from momentum, and flatten Joe Coyne in the process, it still crashed through the door, destroying the windows as it went. Harvey took this moment to leave casually through the rear exit with the bags of money. No one stopped him and no one saw him.


(Edited: 22/Jan/2020)

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