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Dawncloud could feel the blood running through her veins, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. 

She knew it was time. It was time for her kits to be born. She would finally be a queen, her once kit dream, now becoming reality. However, the dream folded into a nightmare as she realized where she was once again.

"I'm not a queen," she thought to herself, her claws sinking into the soft earth beneath her. "I'm a kittypet. A weak, soft, kittypet."

The thought burned through her fur as the twolegs began to approach her. The female twolegs that called her "Livi" creeped up to her carrying a bowl of disgusting kittypet water, and a soft, blanket. She thought that the name "Livi" didn't suit her, and glared the other way when the twoleg began to call her by it. She looked up, however, when the twolegs reached out to touch her. Dawncloud let out an angry hiss, her green eyes piercing her as she winced in pain. Reluctantly, she began to let the twolegs groom her, her hands soothing her already tender stomach. Both Dawncloud and the twolegs knew the kits were coming.

"Please StarClan, forgive me for falling for a kittypet. He had given me comfort when I was desperate, and now I must give birth to his kits. Let them be healthy and strong." She silently prayed as she began to kit.

Sure enough, she gave birth to five healthy and small kits. Each wailed in fear as their mother began to lick them tenderly, purring in satisfaction.

Five beautiful kits.

She examined three of them to be calicos like herself, and two black tabbys like their father. Dawncloud couldn't stop herself from letting out a hiss of anger and sadness at the thought of her former mate abandoning her. She hated the names that the twolegs tried to give her kits, they were nothing a warrior would like, and they seemed to soften their warrior blood even more. She decided that she would name them what she wanted, and began to think.

"Cloverkit, Featherkit, Spottedkit, Ravenkit, and Crowkit."

As she continued to clean her kits wailing bodies, she found herself drifting to sleep along side them. Her day had been tiring, trying to hide from the twolegs and the birth itself reminded her of how exhausted she was. As she fell into a light sleep, she found herself surrounded by fog.

She looked around for her kits, desperately wailing for them. She began to panic as she called for them, running endlessly. Her fur flattened against her body as she saw a slim figure appear in front of her.

"Hello my dear friend," the figure purred, it's sweat scent lingering as it moved.

Dawncloud purred loudly as she sprinted towards it. They took a moment to circle each other and exchange licks before finally settling down.

"So it's true? You did pass on?" Dawncloud meowed, her voice trying to hide her sadness.

Echofeather let out a mrow of sympathy for her best friend as she pressed up against her.

"Yes, StarClan had called me a few days before my time. Yet the dog still came out unexpectedly, but I am at peace now, and I watch you everyday as you grow."

Dawncloud nodded, thankful for the reassurance she needed so desperately.

"My dear friend, your kits will be as healthy as you, they will live good lives," Echofeather said, her eyes gleaming with joy. "And they will make fine warriors."

Dawncloud's eyes lit up and her fur began to rise once again.

"But in order for them to be the best they can, you must return them home. They must learn the ways of the warrior, as well as you, Dawnpaw."

Dawncloud purred as she remembered how she had became a warrior. StarClan had given her the name, Dawncloud before giving birth, and she cherished it with all her heart.

"Memories will walk the forest trail, they will bring the true elements of a warrior with them. Only then, when they have taken their rightful place, will the winds change and the cats be at peace." Echofeather spoke before fading away into the mist once again.

Dawncloud awoke to the sound of wailing kits, Silverpelt shinning brighter than she had ever seen. Her eyes locked on her five kits, Dawncloud knew what she had to do. She had to bring her kits back to WindClan. The kittypet life was not the life for them.

Warrior Cats: Dawncloud's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now