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As the group of cats stepped into the beautiful smelling camp, the new comers gazed in awe.

The warriors were training and playing with apprentices, the elders were calmly telling stories and gazing proudly at the apprentices, kits poked their heads out of the nursery, longing to join everyone else outside. It was busy, full of noise, and so vivid. It showed that all snow had cleared long before Dawncloud had arrived, because only small patches of water scattered around the camp.

Dovefur squinted at the empty medicine den, praying that they would accept her when they saw her talents. Her chubby paws ached to quietly sneak away from her group and glance at the glorious den. Everything was placed beautifully in piles, while moss lay in the far corner. It was an honorable sight to see, and she soon saw Spottedkit mimicking her interest. Dovefur shook her head with a slight chuckle, gently smacking the kit in the face with her tail.

"StarClan knows, we're going to be quite the troublemakers," Spottedkit whispered, smirking.

Crowkit, Cloverkit and Featherkit stood with their legs shaking rapidly. So many emotions rushed through them: excitement, relief, sorrow. They opened their jaws wide as they took in the sweet smells of their new home. There was no more kittypet smell, no more rouge smells, and greatest of all, no blood smells. The three gave each other hopeful glances as they nodded happily at one another. This was their home. The place they had spent their whole life finding, and they had finally found it!

Once the first cats had noticed the arrival of their clanmates, their gaze quickly locked on the six unfamiliar faces. The camp went from loud, to soft, to utterly silent. Awkwardly, Dawncloud and her mother walked to the front of the group which had turned out to be a patrol. The rest of the patrol backed away, leaving Dovefur, Dawncloud, her mother, and the kits in the spotlight. A few of the elder's ears perked up as they quickly began to whisper to their friends. Knowing the elder's, word had began to spread rapidly within a few seconds.

"That's Ashstar's sister!" a voice would whisper.

"Are those her kits?"

"Is that fluffy one Willowpaw?"

"No you mouse brain! Willowpaw is dead!"

Dawncloud gulped as she looked cluelessly at her mother. Her mouth formed the word help and Dovefur chuckled quietly. Dawncloud's tail lashed back and forth as she finally found her words. She took a deep breath, and opened her mouth.

"What is going on?" A loud voice called from a top a rock.

Everyone turned their heads to a gray figure with darker gray specks, looking seriously at his group of clan members. His eyes scanned every cat until he spotted the calcio she-cat.

"Who are these strangers, Skyfeather?" The voice demanded, jumping down to confront them.

Skyfeather looked disappointed as he came closer to her. Her facial expression didn't change as she moved out of her daughter's way. There was silence that Dawncloud had grown all to familiar with. This silence however, was comforting. The eyes of the gray tom were stern on the out side, but as Dawncloud looked into his eyes, she saw her kithood.

"I'll always be there for you, Dawnpaw. We'll rule WindClan together, and finally prove we're loyal!" Ashpaw cheered, grooming his sister's fur.

We may have lost Willowkit, but we'll always have each other, okay?"

Dawnpaw nodded, as she gently fell asleep, happier than she should be in her situation.

As if Ashstar had been sharing the memories, his eyes became wide as tears rolled down them. Without hesitation, he pounced onto his sister as he wailed. Crowkit began to cry herself while Dovefur nodded silently while tears stung her own eyes. The two siblings stayed on the soft ground as their tears formed a large puddle. Dawncloud's eyes were blurred, but she glanced at a figure that touched her shoulder with its tail.

Warrior Cats: Dawncloud's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now