Chapter Four

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"Dawncloud! Wake up! The kits are gone!" A voice said urgently.

With these words, she bolted up, hitting her head on the dirt above her.

"What? Weren't you supposed to keep watch?" She spoke angrily, crawling out of the burrow and into the bushes.

"I never said such a thing!" Dovefur hissed checking the bushes on the opposite side.
Dawncloud began to panic, opening her jaws for any scent that could have been her sweet childrens'. Silently, the two she-cats searched their ground over and over until Dawncloud collapsed.

"I never should have slept without them by my side!" She weeped as Dovefur gently licked her friend.
"We'll find them, we just need to look farther. The twolegs place isn't too far from here," She meowed softly.

Dawncloud nodded and steadily got to her paws. The two walked side by side, glaring at every slight sound around them. The smell of sweet rain and grass fluttered inside their noses as it somehow soothed them. After a while, Dovefur felt comfortable enough to break the silence.

"Dawncloud, do you have any family in WindClan?" She finally spoke, still looking around.

Dawncloud stayed quite for a moment, before finally speaking.

"My brother Ashwing was the only one I had left. My mother is hated by the clan for her breaking of the code, and my younger sister Willowpaw died shortly after receiving her apprentice name. He always protected me from everyone's harsh judgment, and it paid off because he became the clan's deputy." Dawncloud purred, becoming a little more comfortable.

"How did your mother break the code?" Dovefur asked, curiosity filling her eyes.

"She was a former kittypet, she didn't know it was wrong to fall for a cat from another clan." Dawncloud responded quieter than before. "My father's name is Ashfur. Ashwing resembles him a lot."

Dovefur nodded as the two she-cats stopped at a fence. They climbed it together, and leaped gently onto the ground. The sun was above their heads, and different kittypet smells filled their noses. As they continued to walk, it was Dawncloud's turn to speak.
"How about your family Dovefur? You never spoke to me about them."

Dovefur stayed silent for a long while as if she was trying to think.

"My mother and father left me soon after I was born. I was raised by twolegs until I met you." She said quickly. She obviously didn't want to speak about it anymore.

The rest of the search was silent, both she-cats too busy thinking to spark conversation. Dawncloud, worried about finding her kits and her way home, and Dovefur's mind only knew what troubled her.
Suddenly, Dovefur jolted up and launched her tail towards Dawncloud to stop her.

"I smell something!" She meowed energetically as she dashed down an alley and into the shade of the trees.

Annoyed that her friend was leaving her once again, Dawncloud sported after her friend. Once she caught up, she noticed the shocked expression on the chubby she-cats face. Dawncloud followed her gaze and froze at the sight. There were all four of her kits, and her former mate, Oliver.

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