Chapter seven

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     A large snowflake fell onto Ravenkit's nose, causing him to jump back. Dawncloud purred in amusement as her kits began to bat at the mysterious white objects. They let out disappointed grunts as the flakes melted away. 

"You know Dawnflower, I'm starting to think you should have named your kits after the leafbare," Dovefur purred softly nudging her friend's side with her own. 

She walked over to the kits and lifted their heads up with her tail as she spoke. 

"Ravenkit, you will now be known as Flakekit, Featherkit as Frostkit, Spottedkit as Whitekit, Cloverkit as Icekit, and Crowkit as Snowkit," she announced. 

Dawnflower chuckled as the kits pounced and rolled in the snow, happy to see everyone getting along again. She locked eyes with Dovefur, whos eyes shown memories only herself knew of. The chubby she-cat nuzzled her friend as the two let out purrs of compassion. 

"As much as I hate Oliver, I have to thank him for giving you these special kits. WindClan will becoming the best clan the forest has ever seen," Dovefur whispered, giving her friend a tender lick. 

Dawnflower nodded as she gazed towards her gifts. Her expression changed when she noticed their bodies quivering slightly. Dovefur noticed this as well, for she got close to the kits and began walking.

"Hurry Dawnflower, we need to find shelter, and prey," Dovefur ordered. 

Dawnflower sprinted towards the group and cuddled up closely, taking steps right when they did. Her eyes filled with worry as she looked ahead at the white ground. Please StarClan, help us home.


They had been walking from dusk till dawn when they had finally come across something. The snow was rising rapidly, and the adult she-cats allowed to kits on their backs. They favored Dovefur for her fluffy and warm coat. Dawncloud's heart beat rapidly in her chest, as if it would explode out of her body. Her eyes looked around desperately for any shelter, she even prayed for a kind twolegs to take them in and feed them. 

Suddenly, Dovefur let out a gasp and pointed towards a small, abandoned, twolegs den. Without hesitation, they sprinted towards it. Dawncloud had time to check the surroundings since Dovefur struggled to keep the kits on her back. When she finally arrived, she dropped the kits at her paws. 

"Is it safe?" Dovefur asked, panting.

"It seems abandoned, my nose is too numb to smell weak scents though," Dawncloud responded, nudging twolegs food in which they called 'turkey'. "It's not crowfood, so it will work."

Dovefur looked disappointed at the turkey slice. "It won't feed all of us."

"We can hunt our own food tomorrow, StarClan blessed this for my kits to give them strength," Dawncloud simply said, calling her kits towards the food. "Eat."

The five children didn't hesitate. They ripped into the slice as if they had never eaten before. Dawncloud could not tell if it was delicious or if they were just extremely hungry. A cold breeze violently pushed Cloverkit down, causing him to get back up shaking. Dawncloud yanked the kit into her jaws and placed him in the corner of the small den. Many twolegs things filled the den, Dawncloud was able to find soft things to build a nest. 

"Get together and sleep, I will go get more food while Dovefur warms you," she ordered, walking out of the den. 

Dovefur leaped in front of her. 

"I'll go hunt for food, go protect your kits, Dawncloud," she said, sprinting into the unknown before Dawncloud could respond.

As she headed back into the twolegs den, an unfamiliar scent struck her nose. Her eyes went wide with alarm as she saw two large rouges glaring at her kits, then at her. Instinct took over her as she threw herself at the strangers, causing her now-awake kits to squeal with terror. 

A large paw crashed into Dawncloud's face, throwing her back. The two figures stood over the she-cat ready to finish the job. The large paw raised again, but quickly lowered as a deep voice called from behind.

"Let her go."

Warrior Cats: Dawncloud's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now