Chapter Eleven

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      Night had fallen when Dovefur and Spottedkit returned. Everyone was exhausted from their battle, but refused to welcome sleep that tired their muscles and heaved their eyes. The kits were all sore physically while Dawncloud was mentally sore. Her encounter with Oliver had made her silent the whole night and her mind clouded with different emotions. 

"Alright kits, we need to get on the move, you've fought like great warriors, so I expect no complaining on our journey," Dovefur purred teasingly. 

She glanced awkwardly to Dawncloud before letting out a kind smile. She also slowed down her pace so she could walk with her. Dawncloud looked down awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"I'm really proud of your kits, they fought with all of StarClan by their side," Dovefur mumbled, touching Dawncloud's shoulder with her fluffy tail. 

Dawncloud smiled as she looked at her friend, before she could respond, she felt a drop of water hit her nose. The rain soon began to pour rapidly, causing the kits to jump around in the mud. Both adult she-cats purred together as their fur began to lie flat with the water. Dawncloud was happy to have her chubby friend by her side again, and she knew she would have to apologize soon. 

"Mother, I think I see something up there!" Featherkit called, racing ahead of everyone else. 

The other kits joined her, and were soon out of vision.

"Featherkit! Spottedkit! Cloverkit! Ravenkit! Crowkit!" Dawncloud hissed, sprinting after them. 

She enjoyed feeling the breeze and the water go through her fur as she ran as joyfully as a kit. Dovefur jumped gracefully into the air as she tried to keep up with her friend. Dawnflower laughed and ran even faster without looking. She looked back to see Dovefur's expression turn to fear just as she came to a stop. Dawncloud turned around, but not fast enough, and fell into the ravine. Her vision became blurry as her kits sprinted towards her. She closed her eyes, and blacked out.


 "Dawncloud you mouse brain!" Dovefur hissed as she dumped more water soaked moss onto her face.

Dawncloud spat as she slowly got up, she was sore, and had to lean on a rock to stand up. Spottedkit padded up to her mother with more soaked moss. Dovefur purred affectionately at the kit who was doing a medicine cat's job.

"I couldn't find any Stinging Nettle, but I did find some Poppy Seeds," Spottedkit informed the grey she-cat. 

Dovefur nodded, dismissing her with her tail, and walked up to Dawncloud.

"I'm surprised you didn't die!" Dovefur hissed, her eyes mixed with fear and anger. "We aren't kits, we shouldn't have been running like that."

Dawncloud lowered her head in shame her ears flicking. "I just missed running with you like we used to in the twolegs place," she mumbled, digging at the earth with her not sore paw.

Dovefur looked shocked as she sat down in front of her friend. She licked her ear tenderly, and began to groom her.

"I missed you too, I knew something was wrong when I left, so I went to get Oliver," she explained. "I'm sorry I left you, I was just so angry you were talking to him like that and-" 

"You have no reason to be sorry, Dovefur. I should have listened to you and left with you, but the kits were cold and I was desperate." Dawncloud interrupted. 

The two only let out soft purrs as the five kits returned, Spottedkit with the herbs and the others with fresh kill. 

"Good job kits!" Dawncloud purred, giving each kit a lick.

She waited for Dovefur to praise them as well, but looked in confusion as she saw her friend sitting motionless, her eyes white. It was silent until Dovefur finally let out a gasp. Startled, Dawncloud sprang up. 

"Do you want to explain that?" Dawncloud asked, curiosity in her tone.

"We're close, Dawncloud. We're close to WindClan," she said softly.

Dawncloud and the five kit's ears perked up in surprise. 

"This is ThunderClan's old camp, all we have to do is travel this direction, and we'll get home!" Dovefur purred. 

The kits shrieked in happiness and Dawncloud's eyes lit up. Dovefur jumped onto the kits, playing nipping their ears. 

"Only a few more sun rises, and you'll be home. You'll meet your family, and become the greatest warriors to exist." Dovefur's words echoed through her mind. 

"Is it true, Echofeather?" Dawncloud thought to herself. "Is my journey almost completed?"

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