Chapter Six

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The sun had just went down when they came across their first thunderpath.

Fear struck Dawncloud as she stumbled onto the gray path. Dovefur gave a reassuring purr towards her friend as she grabbed her kits, and sprinted across. Dawncloud began to sprint after her until a thick fog began to swallow her.

"Hello?" Dawncloud called, turning is circles.

She couldn't see anything or anyone, her fur began to rise as she remembered her last encounter like this.

"Echofeather?"  She said sternly. "This isn't a good time."

Just then, a pale, gray tom appeared in front of her.

"Who are you?" Dawncloud asked, shocked that it wasn't Echofeather to greet her.

"You tell me you can't recognize your own father?" The tom chuckled, rubbing against his daughter.

"Ashfur?" Dawncloud mrowed, startled as his resemblance to her brother. "You've passed on?"

Ashfur's expression saddened, "yes, I was killed, but I deserved it. I should have been there to see you raised, instead of from the Stars."

Dawncloud whipped her tail back and forth. This was her father. He appeared happy, as if he had news to tell. Dawncloud realized how impatient she was getting.

Ashfur realized this, and began to speak cheerfully.

"Ashwing is becoming leader today, he really does deserve this honor," he purred.

Dawncloud sprang up and pounced on her father. What great news this was!

"Will you be giving him one of his lives?" She purred louder.

Ashfur nodded, "that's what I need to ask you, what would you like me to give him?"

Dawncloud began to bawl. She collapsed at her father's paws as a kit would to its mother. She did this for what seemed like a moon before she finally got to her paws.

"Give him comfort, for always being there for the ones who need it," She asked.

She watched in pity as her father began to disappear. With a slight nod sealing their conversation, he disappeared, and she was brought back into reality.

"Dawncloud MOVE!" Dovefur hissed, springing onto her friend and knocking her back.

A monster ran across the thunderpath, crushing a stick with ease. Dawncloud stared in shock at what had happened.

"Well?" Dovefur hissed as the kits surrounded her chubby paws. "Who spoke to you?"

Startled, Dawncloud gazed at her friend.

"How did you know I spoke to someone?"

Dovefur hissed in frustration and walk across the thunderpath again. Dawncloud kept her mouth shut but began to grin when she saw a flash of Dovefur's eyes filled with happiness. She began to think of why she would have this expression. Dawncloud began to think about what had happened yesterday.

"You can't eat those, children," Dovefur said, pushing everyone way from the bush.

She walked towards another bush with different berries. "Eat these, they'll boost your strength too."

Dawncloud also thought of her encounter with Ashfur. "Medicine cats can visit other cats when their with StarClan," she thought to herself.

Dawncloud let out a gasp as all the pieces connected.

Was Dovefur a former medicine cat?

Warrior Cats: Dawncloud's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now