Chapter Three

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Who the hell does Joel think he is? Why had the guys kept me away from Nina? She was easy on the eyes and damn that body was to kill for. Joel was acting like an overprotective father, while Dan and Ryan avoided my gaze and continued packing up the bus.

Walking onto the bus to get away from the tension, I decided to storm into the bunk area only to be stopped by my kind of bitchy girlfriend Amy. She steps in front of me, blocking my path and slaps me across the cheek.

'I saw you eyeing up that whore outside. Are you cheating on me? You really can't keep it in your pants,' she hisses.

Rubbing my cheek, I scowl and snort, 'that's rich coming from you, Miss Virgin Mary. Just leave me alone.'

Before she can reply or slap me again, I sidestep around her and climb into my bunk which I was thankful I didn't have to share with her. We'd been dating on and off for a year, she was good in bed but not so good at the whole girlfriend stuff.

'How long are you going to put up with Amy? Ahren, you can do better than her.'

Dan pokes his head into my bunk, checking out my red cheek. I shrug my shoulders, trying to act casually like it didn't affect me.

'The sex is good, plus I don't know how to do this love thing, Dan.'

He sighs, 'Sorry about how Joel acted outside around Nina. She's a nice girl who doesn't have a good track record when it comes to trusting the right guys. You don't have the best reputation, Ahren.'

'I'm Ahren Stringer; I'll never change.'

Dan shakes his head and shuts my bunk curtain. I take out my phone, and open Instagram determined to find this Nina girl. Clicking on Dan's account, I scroll through the people he was following and come across Nina Andrews. Smiling triumphantly, I click and follow her before scrolling through her pictures. She was a freelance artist who worked with bands on tour posters and merch designs. How had I never met her before?

I decided to follow all her social media since the rest of the band did. Dan was right about her being nice; she always made time to respond to her comments, both negative and positive. I could change; I could shed this carefree all about the sex image. But the real question was, did I want to? Would I be able to change everything for one girl?

My phone pings indicating a new Twitter DM off Nina of all people who had decided to follow me back.

Nina: Hi, sorry about Joel earlier...he means well...

Ahren: Ha no problem he can be like that sometimes...nice to finally meet you lovely lady

Nina: You are a charmer!

Ahren: Is that a bad thing?

Nina: Depends on who you ask Mr Stringer...I mean I've heard a lot of rumours!

Ahren: You shouldn't believe everything you hear and read online

Nina: So you're telling me none of it is true?

Ahren: Okay, yes some of it is true

Nina: Does your girlfriend know you're talking to me? Better yet, does Dan know?

Ahren: My girlfriend called you a whore, but I put her in her place and no she and the guys don't know we're messaging because I'm in my bunk

Nina: Are you sure we should be talking then? I don't want to cause any problems

Ahren: I want to get to know you. It's not fair that the others know you but not me

Nina: Then we won't tell them! God Dan and Joel are going to kill me!

Ahren: Look at my little rebel!

Nina: Shut up, you!!!

Ahren: Someone's coming, speak later

Nina: I look forward to it

A genuine smile tugs on my lips for the first time in what feels like forever. Nina was different, good different, and I intended to get to know her with or without the guy's support.

'You better not be masturbating Ahren. I'm opening your curtain so make yourself decent,' Joel rips open the curtain, and I shield my eyes from the sudden light that hits my eyes.

'What do you want, Joel?'

He sighs and leans against the bunk, 'sorry about what happened outside. Nina doesn't need to be hurt again, and you're a heartbreaker, Stringer. But the real reason I'm here is that your slutty girlfriend is already doing everyone's tits in and you need to do something.'

I pout, 'Why do I have to do it?'

Joel snorts, 'She's your crazy girlfriend. Why do you only seem to attract the crazy ones?'

I roll my eyes as he waltzes away to the back lounge. I didn't attract crazy girls; I attracted unique girls. I just wanted to continue talking to Nina, but it looks like Amy had dashed those plans, maybe I should dump her here and now. Since when did my life have to get complicated?

The Amity Affliction (Ahren Stringer)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now