Chapter Six

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Today I was being discharged from hospital, and I couldn't wait to leave these four bland white walls behind. My wrist would heal on its own in a few weeks, and the nice doctor gave me lots of drugs and creams to rub on some of the deeper wounds. Since Will had broken the restraining order and on top of beating me half to death, he was going to prison for a while without any chance of bail or a shorter sentence.

I hadn't told Dan I was being discharged today because I was kind of sick of him waiting on me hand and foot while I was in the hospital, even though he was helping me willingly as a friend a small part of me felt like I was using him and wanted to give him a day off.

Walking out of the hospital, I breathe in the fresh air; anything was fresher than that hospital room when it was constantly full of guys. The Amity Affliction had been good to me ever since I woke up, but I kept telling them they needed to go back on tour and that I would be alright.

'Did you think the hospital was going to discharge you without ringing one of us, Nina? Nice to know I'm your second contact after Dan.'

I jump out of my skin as Ahren appears in front of me, smiling like a mad man. Of course, I knew it was too good to be true when the nurse said I could leave after filling in the forms; she probably made me take my time so she could ring Ahren.

'Dan needs a day off and you out of all the guys won't fawn over me and treat me like I'm fragile and will break at any moment.'

He frowns, 'but I'm good at fawning over people Nina.'

I shake my head and start to walk past him making him have to jog to keep up with me. He puts a hand on my shoulder when we reach the car park.

'My cars over here, what do you want to do?'

I follow his directions and get into the car; I knew I didn't want to go back to the apartment because Dan was there and it held bad memories. Twirling some hair around my finger, I sigh and glance over at Ahren who was waiting patiently behind the wheel for me to answer.

'Can we get coffee or something?'

He nods, 'we sure can, oh and I have a surprise for you when we get coffee.'

I turn on the radio as he pulls out of the hospital. I wasn't a big fan of surprises, but Ahren seemed excited so it couldn't be anything bad. Leaning back in the seat, I close my eyes only to have Jordon's phone go off on the dashboard.

'Could you see who it is Nina?'

I grab the phone and check the caller ID; it was his girlfriend, Amy.

'It's Amy, should I accept the call?'

Ahren shakes his head, 'no, just let it go to voicemail.'

The call drops to voicemail and then she decides to message him instead.

Amy: I can't believe you chose to pick that whore up from the hospital overspending the day in bed with me. I'm your girlfriend and have needs!

My eyes widen, 'err Ahren did you drop plans with Amy to pick me up?'

He sighs, 'last night we went out, and she thought I wouldn't mind her grinding on a bunch of guys, so the call from the hospital saved me an awkward day.'

I put the phone back on the dashboard, seeing Amy was a touchy subject for him.

The rest of the car ride was silent until we pull up outside a Starbucks, my home away from home. Dan said I drank too much coffee, but you could never have too much coffee.

The Amity Affliction (Ahren Stringer)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now