Chapter Thirteen

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'Can you please change the twins, Dan, while I grab their bottles?'

Muting the TV, I get up and head into the twin's room. I was hanging out at Nina's catching up and saw immediately that she was just about holding things together but was putting on a brave face. She'd be better if Ahren were supporting his kids, But Nina was adamant she was going to raise them alone.

Sarah and Mike were in their cribs gurgling away without a care in the world. I always said Nina would make a great mum, and now she had these two little angels in her life.

'Come on little ones let's get you changed and dressed for the day,' I coo.

The two kids behave as I change and dress them. Halfway through dressing Mike, I notice Nina walk in and gasp while holding two bottles.

'Oh my god, Dan, you went above and beyond. Can I hire you to be their full-time nanny?'

I chuckle, 'music's my first passion. I'm just happy to help and spend time with them while you meet a client.'

Nina's face drops as she stares down at her watch, 'Oh fuck I'm going to be late for the meeting. I need to go Dan.'

'Go, Nina; the twins will be fine with me. I love you.'

She smiles, 'love you even more. Bye, little cuties, mummy loves you so much.'

I watch Nina run out of the room. Shaking my head, I take each twin and strap them into the double pram. Nina had already packed a baby bag I'd need in the morning, so all I had to do was head to the studio where the guys promised we wouldn't be long so that they could spoil the twins rotten.


'How is Nina Dan?'

Joel sits down next to me on the sofa after we'd finished recording our parts on a new song. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair; I couldn't lie to the guys.

'She's struggling, just about paying the bills and keeping a roof over everyone's head. If Ahren paid his dues, I think she'd be able to take things just that bit more easily, not having to worry about not buying things so she can feed the kids.'

Joel pouts, 'yeah but you know she's stubborn and stuck in her ways, Dan.'

I think Ahren at least needed to know that he had two kids so that he could decide whether or not he wanted to be a part of their lives. Nina was smitten with Ahren at first sight, she still loved him, but he broke her heart.

'Err guys why are there kids in the studio? Who knocked someone up?'

Ahren wasn't supposed to be in until after I left with the twins, but here he was early, which wasn't like him one bit. The guys all look at each other, Ryan holding Mike while Joel held Sarah who was wearing his glasses.

I clear my throat, 'They aren't our kids Ahren they belong to Nina of all people. She's back in our lives.'

'Since when does Nina have kids?' Ahren questions, folding his arms across his chest.

I smirk, 'she was dating someone, and she thought he loved her like she loved him. She found out she was pregnant, but when she went to tell the guy, she found him cheating with some slut behind her back. So she carried the kids for nine months without any help, and now they are three months old.'

Ahren shuffles on the spot concern visible on his face, 'the guy sounds like a jerk, who would want to hurt Nina?'

I wanted to slap some sense into Ahren, 'look in the mirror Ahren because that jerk is you.'

Ahren gasps, 'You can't be serious, Dan. Is he messing with me guys?'

Everyone shakes their heads. Ahren slumps down on one of the chairs, 'So now I have three kids. Why wouldn't Nina tell me? Don't you think it's kind of selfish of her?'

I wanted to stand up, storm over and slap Ahren senseless for calling Nina of all people selfish. But Joel beats me to the punch line and hands, Sarah, over to me.

'How dare you call Nina selfish Ahren when you fucking cheated behind her back with Amy of all people. Besides, we all know you're not the father to Amy's kid, but you're too blind to see she's using you for your money. When Nina is struggling to keep a roof over her and the kid's heads.'

I needed to know why Jordon cheated on Cherry once and for all, 'Why did you fucking cheat on her man? Nina's the perfect girl, and you threw it all away. Tell us the truth.'

Ahren sighs and looks down at his feet, 'because I'm Ahren Stringer, I'm a player and a dickhead. I'm not known for committing to one girl, come on, that's why you guys kept her away from me in the first place. And I proved you right, everything was going well for me but I wasn't used to taking things slowly like Nina was and then Amy shows up saying she's pregnant and it went back to being all about the sex and not all the romantic stuff.'

I wanted to slap him less now, we all knew he was a horn dog, but that was no excuse to sleep with your ex because you wanted more sex. Maybe all of us had been too hard on him; if we kept telling him he was a bad guy who couldn't commit to a relationship then maybe he'd stay that way forever.

'How's Amy? Will you tell her about Nina?' Ryan pipes up.

Ahren meets Ryan's eye, 'she's too busy hiring a manny to look after the kid.'

I tilt my head to the side, confused, 'why would you need a nanny or a manny if Amy works from home?'

Ahren shrugs his shoulders, 'Amy's struggling during the day while I'm here and the guy is a friend of hers. Our son loves him.'

Joel slaps him across the face shocking both Ryan and I, 'Are you blind Ahren? He's just a 'friend', no doubt he's the kids' real dad and while you're out at the studio, Amy's sleeping around.'

'Don't you dare accuse Amy of cheating on me Joel!' Ahren yells.

Ahren pushes Joel back roughly, which only aggravates Joel even more who gets back up in Ahren's face, 'Prove it then, go home right now and see if she's loyal. Hell, we'll all come with you.'

I don't think I'd ever seen Joel this pissed off about something, then again he saw Nina like a sister and wanted to prove Ahren wrong.

Ahren snorts, 'fine; we'll go on a band trip. But what about the twins?'

'I'll stay here with them, Nina shouldn't be too much longer so I can probably take them home,' I suggest.

It made sense for me to take the twins home since I was supposed to be babysitting them. Plus I needed to warn Nina about the change in circumstances. I just prayed that Joel was right and Amy was sleeping around with her baby daddy.

The Amity Affliction (Ahren Stringer)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now