Chapter Five

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This was the 4th day of Nina being in hospital in an induced coma due to injuries sustained by her ex-boyfriend Will. We'd managed to postpone the tour for a week so we could be by her side, and the doctors were going to wake her up today if her brain scans looked good.

Will had taken to smashing her head against the bathroom mirror multiple times, so she had swelling on the brain. That wasn't her only injury, her entire face and neck were bruised and cut up, he'd also kicked her in the ribs and bruised them, and she had a broken wrist from trying to defend herself.

I'd stayed by her bedside day and night, Ryan and Joel bringing me clothes and forcing me to eat. I just wanted my best friend to wake up and tell me this was all a dream. I still couldn't believe I hadn't answered any of her calls or messages on the day of the attack if I'd answered my damn phone maybe she wouldn't be in this state.

'You can't blame yourself, Dan. I don't blame you.'

My head snaps up, and I lock eyes with Nina, who was coming back around as a doctor fiddled with a machine. When had he come in? How zoned out had I been?

'Doctor I think he's in shock,' she mocks, then coughs, her voice hoarse.

The doctor chuckles, 'he'll come around Nina. How are you feeling?'

She shrugs her shoulders but flinches, forgetting for a second where she was. She glances around the small hospital room.

'How long have I been asleep?'

'Four days,' I interrupt. And the doctor glares in my direction, wanting to be the one to break the news.

Nina lies back against the pillow and shuts her eyes, and I notice a tear roll down her cheek. Feeling helpless, I stand up and take a tissue out of the box by the bed and wipe the tear away.

'I want to see the damage, Dan?'

'I'm not going to lie; he did a number on you, Nina. Are you sure?'

She nods, 'I'm going to have to look at myself eventually, Dan. What happened to Will?'

I shudder at the mere mention of his name, 'well he broke the restraining order and with the extent of breaking in and assault on top of that, he's going away Nina.'

She smiles, 'I'm sorry about the damage he did to the apartment.'

I shake my head, 'I care more about your safety Nina than a wooden door or two. Now let me go and find you a mirror.'


Dan leaves the room to find me a mirror. Someone knocks on the door, and then Ahren pokes his head around the door. When he sees I'm awake, his frown turns into a smile, and he walks in.

'It's good to see you awake, Nina. I'm sorry if I stopped talking to you on the phone, I put you on the loudspeaker and then the attack happened suddenly.'

It was touching how concerned he was, and he felt guilty. I motion for him to come closer and he takes Dan's chair, 'I shouldn't have asked that of you Ahren. We hardly know each other outside of messaging.'

'We all say things in the heat of the moment, Nina. I can ring the rest of the guys if you like; they want to see you.'

It would be nice to see the guys; it felt like forever since I'd seen any of them. But then I remember how I must look and instinctively pull the blanket up as far at will go to try and cover myself.

'Am I ugly looking Ahren?'

Ahren frowns, 'ugly looking?'

I nod, 'I mean with my cuts and bruises. Dan's gone to get me a mirror so I can see the damage.'

Ahren shakes his head, 'even with cuts and bruises you're not ugly looking Nina, plus they will heal over time, and soon enough they will be behind you.'

I feel myself smiling genuinely; he was so nice to me. He was right; the negative thoughts were inside my head, I had friends and family who loved me no matter how I looked.

'If I hadn't run outside to give Joel his phone we would never have bumped into each other and started our little chats. I think I do want to see the rest of the guys Ahren if that's okay.'

'I'll go outside and ring them up; I'm pretty sure they'll be waiting by the phone. See you in a bit, Nina.'


Leaving Nina's room, I bump into Dan, who was stood outside her door. How long had he been there? And had he heard everything? His blank facial expression told me he had heard everything.

'Before you start Dan yes Nina and I have been talking over the phone since the day we left for tour. She's nice and down to earth and great to talk to, and no matter what reputation I have you and the guys aren't going to stop us knowing each other.'

He cracks a smile, 'I guess this day would come Ahren. It's just strange hearing you be so nice and understanding towards someone. As long as you don't hurt her or play with her, I have no problem with you two being friends.'

I go to respond but find myself speechless. Dan walks past me and back into Nina's room, holding a small mirror in his hands. I could be a very nice person; I just had to prove to everyone they had me wrong.

Now I needed to call the rest of the band to come down here, and no doubt Dan would spill the beans that Nina and I are now friends. Joel and Ryan would be a hard sell. I wasn't going to let my friends dictate who I could and couldn't talk to.

The Amity Affliction (Ahren Stringer)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now