Chapter Eleven

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'Do you want to come shopping with me, Nina?'

I throw back Nina's bunk curtain, and she groans and rolls over trying to avoid me, just like she'd been avoiding everyone this past couple of days. We all knew that she and Ahren were kind of in a relationship but neither of them would confirm it making us question if it was nothing more than sex.

'I don't feel well, Heather; I just want to throw up all the time.'

I reach a hand into the bunk and put my hand on her forehead, noticing she had a slight fever. The rest of the band had gone out to explore Berlin knowing at this time Nina and I liked to hang out.

'I'm taking you to the hospital no ifs or buts young lady.'

Nina groans and reluctantly gets out of her bunk still clutching the blanket around her. I couldn't understand what was wrong; it couldn't be food poisoning because we'd all eaten at the same places and no one else got sick.

I get her into a taxi and ask the driver to get us to the hospital. Nina rests her head on my shoulder, and I stroke her hair, illness was the last thing she needed right now.

'You're the best Heather.'

~Time Skip~

'I think we're here Heather,' Nina groans.

The taxi had come to a stop outside the hospital, and the driver was looking at me wanting payment. I pay him and help Nina out of the vehicle. I wondered how long we'd be here before the guys got suspicious.

Nina's made to sign some forms, then after ten minutes a doctor comes out and calls her name. She grips my hand nervously, she wasn't the biggest fan of these places, and neither was I, and we both follow the doctor.

'I'm Dr Rhodes, what's wrong today, Nina?'

I help Nina onto the examination table while the doctor sits on a stool.

'I haven't been feeling well this past couple of days, I've been throwing up a lot, and I just want to sleep all the time,' Nina replies.

The doctor nods and makes notes, 'I'll draw some blood and run a few tests. Can I ask you a question? This might be sensitive but mandatory.'

Nina nods, 'ask away.'

'Are you sexually active?'

Both mine and Nina's eyes widen at the doctor's question and how casually he threw it into the conversation.

'Err yes, but the last time I had sex was before we came to Europe so a month ago. But we had a lot of sex,' Nina stutters and blushes.

Nina holds my hand, 'Ahren said he wore one because I'm not on the pill. He promised me.'

The doctor puts his clipboard down, 'we'll know more when we get the results of the blood test, but your boyfriend might have lied, and you could potentially be pregnant with the throwing up symptoms and feeling exhausted.'

Nina's grip on my hand tightens, I was going to kill Ahren if it turned out Nina was pregnant because he'd promised her he'd worn a condom.

'Thank you, doctor, I think I'll have the blood test,' Nina smiles weakly.

The doctor nods, gets up and leaves the room.

'I'm going to kill him, Nina. Do you even want kids?' I growl, clenching my fists.

Nina sighs, 'we don't know if I'm even pregnant Heather, so we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. And yes I do want kids, this time in my life wouldn't be ideal, but I'm not about to have an abortion.'

The Amity Affliction (Ahren Stringer)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now