Chapter Seventeen

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'You do know the whole blindfold thing is a little cliché Ahren. You could have had me cover my eyes with my hands.'

'No, because you like to peep Nina, trust me my sources are very reliable, and I want this to be a surprise,' Ahren replies, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice.

I huff and fold my arms across my chest as Ahren cracks and laughs behind me as he guides me down a path. This morning he'd come to mine and blindfolded me on the spot saying he had a surprise for me. Then Dan came along and said he'd take the kids, so whatever Ahren was doing was planned by all the guys.

I'd been itching to take this damn thing off my eyes during the car ride, but Ahren would lean over and swat my hand away from my eyes while still managing to drive the car.

This past week he'd been very secretive, at first I thought I'd done something wrong after our first date, but after confiding in Dan and Joel, they reassured me that nothing was wrong and everything was good.

'Okay, you can take the blindfold off now Nina.'

I don't need to be told twice before I rip the blindfold off and nearly get blinded by the sunlight. After a few seconds, my eyes adjust, and I find myself stood on a path surrounded by a small garden which was a million miles away from the cracked car park outside my apartment window.

Ahren walks ahead of me, and I follow after him then stop dead in my tracks upon seeing what was in front of us.

'What is this Ahren?'

He grins, 'welcome home, Nina. This is going to be our family home. Do you like it?'

Squealing, I run forwards and jump at him. He manages to catch me and spin me around bridal style, 'is this real?'

'Of course, it's real and it's all ours Nina.'

He carries me up to the front door which was already unlocked and carried me over the threshold like newlyweds did except we weren't married.

'I can't believe you did all of this Ahren; I love you so much right now.'

He puts me down and takes my hand, 'then you're about to love me even more Nina.'

We walk through the open plan living room/dining room, which was already furnished. Just how much hard work had Ahren put into this place?

'How did you get this all done? How didn't I know about any of this?'

'I had some little helpers,' he chuckles.

He opens the patio door which led out from the kitchen, and I gasp loudly, my eyes landing on the small pool which was now ours which the kids could learn to swim in when they got older.

But then my eyes lock onto a group of familiar faces, the rest of The Amity Affliction, Heather and our two kids were stood just off to the side. What were they doing here?

Behind me, Ahren clears his throat, 'I couldn't think of a perfect day to do this, Nina. In front of our good friends and of course our family. For the longest time, we were kept apart from each other, but then we met and we showed all our doubters we could work well together. Yes I hurt you and I'll always regret my choice that day, but something good came out of the bad and I had two adorable kids I get to call my own. Now there's just one piece missing, will you make me the happiest man in the whole world? Will you marry me?'

Turning back around this was every girl's dream, seeing the man she loved down on one knee holding a small black box containing a very nice looking diamond ring.

'Oh my god,' I gasp.

'Say yes,' the guys chime in unison making me laugh.

'Of course, I'll marry you, Ahren,' I reply.

Ahren gets up and slides the ring onto your finger, before wrapping an arm around my waist and dips me back like all the cheesy cliché scenes in romcoms before kissing me passionately on the lips.

'Get a room, think about the children,' Dan gags.

'No, last time they got a room they made these two,' Ryan laughs.

I pull back from the kiss and brush my hand across Ahren's cheek; this was the most perfect day of my whole life. If you'd told me that morning when I ran outside to give Joel his phone back, this is how my life would have turned out; I would have told you where to go. I'd been warned of the infamous Ahren Stringer, but now we had two beautiful kids and a long future ahead of us. 

The Amity Affliction (Ahren Stringer)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now