Chapter Seven

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'Are you excited to come on tour with us, Nina?' Dan asks while being the lazy shit he was lounging on my bed while I packed for the two of us. I roll my eyes and, finally, zip shut both of our bags, Dan could pack his own smaller bag he'd have with him on the bus.

'I guess, I just don't want to be a hassle especially since I don't get this thing off my wrist for a couple of weeks so I won't be much help doing merch and Ahren's girlfriend hates my guts because I'm friends with him.'

I chew my lip thinking about Ahren. The last time I saw him was in the coffee shop when we took pictures with fans and posted them online, only for him to get an angry message off Amy. Ever since then, he ignored my texts and calls, which hurt my feelings since I thought we were friends.

'You're too pretty to cry over a boy, especially if that boy is Ahren Stringer.'

Dan hops off the bed and sits down next to me on the floor before pulling me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.

'Did I do something wrong, Dan? I don't know why he's ignoring me. How am I going to be on a bus with him and Amy?'

Dan sighs, 'Ignore him back and he'll realise how stupid he's being. You'll have me and the rest of the guys who love you very much; I know Joel and Ryan are excited to get to take you sightseeing since you've never left Australia.'

I lift my head and smile at Dan; he was too good to me. And he made a solid point; if Ahren could ignore me, then I could ignore him back and get along with the other guys. I couldn't wait to be a tourist in Europe, but first The Amity Affliction still had two weeks of touring left in Australia after they took off time to see me in the hospital.

'I love you, Dan, now go and pack your other bag because the bus will be here in thirty minutes.'

Dan pouts, 'fine; I will pack my bag.'

He could be a right drama queen sometimes, but at least he got up off my floor and waltzed out of my bedroom trying his best to flip his hair like you saw on TV commercials.


Ahren was being a right dick ignoring Nina; this was why me and the rest of the guys didn't want the two of them meeting. Nina got attached to people very quickly and got hurt almost immediately by said person through no fault of her own, but she still took the blame when none of it rested on her shoulders. I was going to get down to the bottom of this.

Pulling out my phone as I walk into my room, I pull up the messages between Ahren and I and type.

Dan: Why are you ignoring Nina? Kind of a dick move and now she's blaming herself when I have a sneaking suspicion the blame lies on your end, Stringer...

Three little dots appear on the screen, meaning Ahren was replying.

Ahren: I don't want Nina to blame herself, Amy got very mad after the pictures we took in the coffee shop and wanted me to distance myself from Nina to prove my love for her Dan...

Ahren didn't need Amy in his life, but he wouldn't listen to any of us on that matter.

Dan: It's going to be pretty hard to ignore Nina when she's going to be on the same bus as you and your girlfriend...

Ahren: Don't you think I know that! I've got to go and pack some more!

I throw my phone down on the bed in frustration, I was going to protect Nina at all costs, and I planned on recruiting the guys to help me with my mission. Scrambling to find my phone amongst the pile of clothes on my bed I open a new group message without Ahren but add the rest of the band.

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