Chapter Ten

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Today was our day off in London, and I wanted to spend time with Nina, who it felt like I didn't see much since the tour started. Nina agreed to spend the day with me as long as we could be obnoxious tourists. She'd confessed to me on the flight over to England that she'd been talking to Ahren again, at first I was mad but she said she was a big girl and could handle things herself but she loved how overprotective I was of her.

I'd told the rest of the band once Nina, Heather and Ahren were out of earshot in the airport. It was safe to say the bus was a lot happier now Amy had left after Ahren ended things with her for good which had to be hard since he and Amy had been together for years. Nina was a good influence on him; he was drinking less and behaving during interviews. But the guys and I agreed to keep an eye on them in case anything escalated.

'Come on Danny boy.'

Nina flops down on top of me where I was sat on the sofa in the front lounge scrolling through my Twitter notifications. She knocks the air out of my lungs, making Joel and Ryan laugh who were sat opposite me.

I push Nina off, and she lands on the floor. She scowls at me as I grab my jacket because the weather in England was colder than in Australia. I then help her to her feet and she straightens the backpack on her back. I'd buy her a coffee to make up for it.

'So where are we starting, Dan?'

Nina was jumping up and down, she'd always wanted to come to London, and I promised one day I'd take her so here we were at last.

'Where do you want to go, Nina?'

Her eyes light up, 'I want to go on the tube, see Big Ben, go on the wheel, and maybe Trafalgar Square if we have time.'

~Few Hours Later~

'I got so many good pictures, Dan, I can't wait to post them online.'

Nina and I were sat in the Starbucks just off Trafalgar Square; we were both on our phones. I was surprised how much we'd managed to squeeze into one day, then again Nina had persuaded me to go on The Underground which got us around London a lot quicker than a taxi would have.

'I'm happy to see you smiling again, Nina. You're finally back to your old bubbly self,' I confess.

She looks up and puts the phone on the table, 'I guess I am happy, I feel safe. But now I need the bathroom.'

Nina gets up and heads towards the toilets, leaving her phone unlocked on the table. I knew I shouldn't go through her phone, but something in my gut told me I needed to just in case something was wrong and she was keeping it from me to keep me safe.

There was an interesting conversation between her and Heather; this sparked my interest because it looked like Heather was pushing Nina to have more than a friendship with Ahren because Amy was out of the picture and it was obvious Nina and Ahren liked each other. I nearly drop the phone coming across a message sent to Heather from the night we went clubbing after the last Australian show, where Nina confessed to making out with Ahren in the club before having sex back at the hotel.

I didn't have time to go through the messages between Nina and Ahren because in the corner of my eye I see Nina making her way back over, so I put her phone back on the table and pick up my coffee trying to look busy. Why would Nina keep something like this was from? We were best friends; I cared about her. Yes, she was a big girl but nothing good would come from this.

'Are you okay, Dan? You look pale,' she asks, concern lacing her words.

'I think we should head back to the bus so I can have a nap.'

The Amity Affliction (Ahren Stringer)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now