Chapter 3 - Family Affairs

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For the next few weeks I concentrate on my studies, being as I'm in my second year of college, majoring in General Business Administration and Management. I have a lot of lectures to attend and tons of essays to write, which help me keep my mind off Nick.

He's pretty much been avoiding me. Since he's in law school, we don't have any classes together but we sometimes come across each other in the campus. Those all have ended up in seriously awkward small-talk.

I've also been blowing off steam on my daily morning runs, but even those often turn into teeth-gritting experiences as Landon has the same morning routine.

We're both incredibly competitive, so if we run together we have to make it a race. We're pretty evenly matched, too, which makes it a great workout for the both of us, if you have to find a positive note in it. I'd still just rather run alone.

I used to be a varsity cheerleader in high school and even continued when I got to college, back when I was a more cheerful and positive person. Those days are long behind me now, but I still like to keep fit.

We have an inbuilt gym in our basement, originally constructed for Nate as he played basketball at college level. That all ended in the accident. He still works out but he'll never be able to play ball in the same level as he used to. He also taught me how to work the machines and free weights back in my cheerleader days and I've kept at it. I like to be fit and have a great body but I also like the endorphins after a good workout.

It's Monday afternoon and I'm in the basement performing deadlifts in just shorts and a sports bra, blasting music as I lift the bar with hundred and thirty-two pounds packed on it. I finish the last set and wipe away sweat from my forehead, pulling the wireless earbuds off and turning down the music on my phone.

"Here," Landon says from behind me and I turn around just in time to catch the water bottle he throws at me. I take a long gulp from the bottle and screw the cap back on.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask, taking in his attire. He's in gray sweatpants that sit low on his hips and a white t-shirt, headphones and a small towel in his hands.

"Not long," he smirks, leaning against the door frame.

I stare at him, knowing that look on his face. Oh, hell to the no!

"You were checking out my ass, weren't you?" I scoff, narrowing my eyes at him. From where he's standing he would've gotten a great view. I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly conscious of how exposed I am.

"Maybe," he grins and walks past me to the squat rack, putting on his headphones and turning his attention to the weights.

I throw daggers at his back with my eyes and head upstairs to take a bath. I stink.

When I finally get myself up from the bathtub, I put on my red bathrobe and step into my room, stopping when I hear an angry voice down the hall.

I open my door and peek out, noticing Landon's door ajar. I'm about to close my door to give him some privacy when his voice carries over, loud and clear.

"I don't give a shit, dad! You dug up your own hole, you climb out of it. Or don't. Anyway, I'm done."

A moment's of silence and then I hear a loud crack, followed by a string of cuss words. Landon comes out of his room, holding his fist, and stops dead in his tracks when he sees me.

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