I love you too, you idiot - Jaya (Jay x Nya)

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Screams echoed through the canyons, merciless soldiers slaughtered hundreds. The ninja's attacks were proving fruital, the end was near. Ninjago's Saviours had fallen.

Jay's Pov

The smell of death burned my eyes, I wasn't prepared for such catastrophic events. We had seen darkness like this before, every villain had a style; something to define them. We had never found a villain who was so dead(no pun intended) set on putting an entire village into extinction. Familiar screams broke my thoughts as I rushed back into the thick of it. Nya was cornered her arm hanging loosely by her side. She looked defenseless, weakly raising her good arm and dropping to her knees; a sign of surrender. The fearless leader, the one who would never ask for help, the warrior, my secret love.... Was doing the one thing no one had ever seen her do, give up. I choked back a strangled scream as I quickly called for backup. "I need backup asap, Nya is-" I paused, I couldn't say it. I continued fighting, slinging soldiers over my shoulder. "I-I'm a little busy, Jay you're the closest you have permission to abandon post, We'll cover for you." Lloyd directed. I needed no other directions, I broke into a sprint as I saw a soldier lifting a sword above Nya, who had her head hung low. I jumped over fallen bodies, I wasn't about to let the love of my life slip through my fingers. I couldn't let her die, it would be my fault. 'Faster' I thought as my legs begged for me to stop. 'Her life is in your hands, if she dies the blood spilled will be your fault' I reminded, as my eyes stung with tears. I wasn't strong enough to use my lightning, I was barely going to make it in time. I needed a plan, and I needed one fast.

Nya's Pov

My eyes were glued shut, this was how I died. Everything I did for Ninjago was to be in vain, I was dying a coward. Tears threaten to pour as I heard the sword come down. 'I never got to tell Jay how I loved him' I regretted. I took my last breath, I wouldn't fear death... I couldn't, Ninja needed to be fearless. I heard a painful shriek as I felt... nothing. 'I'm alive?' I thought, false hope building quickly. I opened my eyes to the worst sight I could've imagined. There he laid, a sword impaled into his side, crimson blood soaking his pale skin, the contrast against the bright blue of his gi. "Jay!" I shrieked, my voice wavering. I frantically crawled over to where he laid, I flipped him over to see his tear stained cheeks. "N-Nya?" Jay asked, his voice soft like a scared child. "Yes" I whispered, holding back my tears. I had to be strong, I couldn't let him see me cry. "D-did I do it?" He asked, his eyes glassy. I was confused, what did he mean? "Do what?" I asked trying to figure out how to safely move him. "D-did I-" He coughed, a light amount of blood sticking to sand beneath us. I widened my eyes, he was running out of time. "D-did I save you?" he finally asked lifting his head, or at least attempting to. I looked around and saw all the dead soldiers surrounding us, electrocuted. Everything I had done to him, and yet he saved me. I put him and Cole through so much pain, yet he sacrificed himself for me. I finally let the tears fall, as they landed on the already drenched blue gi. My arm was burning, but the pain was blocked out. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jay started whimpering, his hands covering his face. "Oh my, what am I doing?!" I exclaimed, Jay was dying as I was busy admiring the scenery! "Pixal, I need immediate medical care, Jay is injured" I quickly informed using my intercom. Jay was still obviously in pain, tears were pouring out of his eyes. I was suffering just watching him writhe in pain. "Hold on Jay, help is on the way" I reassured as I softly moved Jay to my lap. "Nya, I-I need to t-tell you something I lo-argh!" He screamed, quickly clutching his side, hot tears dripping onto my lap. "Pixal! I need you now!" I screamed into my intercom. "H-hold on Jay!" I said as I examined his wounds. "Nya I can't get you proper medical care for another fifteen minutes" Pixal informed, her voice shaking almost as much as mine. We didn't have fifteen minutes to waste, I looked around everyone else was fighting... trying to take away attention from the fallen ninja. "Lloyd, I don't think he has enough time" I whispered into the intercom, Jay's cries were becoming agonizing to listen to, the jagged blade obviously causing much discomfort for the young ninja. "Nya, listen to me. Try and help him the best you can, we'll continue to hold them off" Lloyd instructed flustered. I nodded, even though Lloyd couldn't see me. "Jay? I need to remove the blade from your side" I told him softly, I knew this wasn't going to end well. Jay nodded as he ripped part of his sleeve off, biting down on it he nodded. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I wrapped my hands around the hilt of the sword. I slowly started pulling it out, Jay's screams muffled by the cloth; his nails digging into the sand clawing at it. Once it was removed blood started pouring out of his side turning everything crimson. I tore the bottom of my gi, pressing it against the giant gaping gash. "N-Nya ah, I need to" Jay said taking deep staggering breaths. "I-I need to tell you something, befor-before it's too l-late" I looked down, I hadn't realized how pale Jay had become, his eyes losing that vibrant blue color I had fallen in love with. I had made a mistake. 'The sword was stopping his bleeding! I was too flustered and that's going to be the end of him' I realized trying to hide my panic. I had failed him. "Jay stop, you're going to be fine" I reassured tears pouring down my face, something I had seemed to do a lot today. "I-It's fine Nya, I don't f-feel anything anymore" Jay said, a small smile on his face, as he caressed my cheek. I placed my hand on his, this wasn't a good sign. "I-I love you, N-Nya" Jay confessed, my heart soared as I pressed my lips against his. I pressed all my love into that kiss, letting him know how much I loved him. His lips were soft and cold, I pulled away reluctantly as I felt his hand grow heavy. My eyes widened as I looked at his frozen face, that familiar beautiful smile. "I love you too, you idiot"

The Blue Ninja had fallen, her love was gone and Nya was once again alone.

Author Note: Hope you guys enjoyed this story! You guys know how much I love writing angst XD - Elizabeth <3

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