vi. Watermelon Sugar High

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     INA SPENDS THE NEXT HOUR bored, sat stationary on Zera's bed as she runs around in a frenzied attempt to get ready.

     Zera is currently digging around in her trunk, throwing various cosmetic products onto her bed next to Ina as she searches from something that she can't seem to find.

     When they first got up to the dorms, Zera shoved Ina into her wardrobe and told her to pick something—and she's quoting—"cute, but not in the way you would think" to wear. 

     Ina's not really sure exactly what that's supposed to mean, but as she's looking through Zera's clothes, she gravitates towards the simplest outfit she can find—a simple cardigan and jeans—before plopping down onto her sister's bed and waiting.

     That was about half an hour ago, and Ina thinks this goes without saying, but she's bored, and it doesn't seem like Zera will be done any time soon.

     After coming to that conclusion, Ina proceeds to dig around for something—anything to occupy herself. It's as she finds some trashy romance novel shoved to the back of her bookshelf that Zera comes rushing out of the bathroom with a comb tangled in her unruly mane of hair.

     She looks a bit comical like that—a full face of makeup, perfectly dressed... with what can only be described as a nest on her head.

     "Help?" Zera pleads, and Ina sighs.

     "How do you want me to do it?" She asks her sister as she gestures for her to take a seat in front of her vanity.

     "Curled, please?" Zera asks, her hands folded in her lap as she cranes her neck upwards.

     "Got it," Ina nods in affirmation, her gaze focused as she yanks the brush out of Zera's hair and reaches for one of the many hair products lining the table in front of her.

     "I still don't understand how your hair ends up like this when it's so short..." She mutters, smoothing down Zera's matted hair with a conditioning balm.

     Zera grins innocently. "Must be because of quidditch practice."

     Ina narrows her eyes as she reaches for a wide tooth comb and yanks it through her hair a little too hard.

     "Practices? But you haven't even had trials yet..."

     She tugs through a particularly gnarly knot, then pauses.

     "Wait..." Ina narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Aren't the Gryffindor trials tomorrow morning?"

     "...Maybe?" Zera mutters, avoiding eye contact as her sister bores holes into her head through the reflection of the mirror.

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