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Log: Two
Narrator: JJules95
Subject: Shocker
Notable Aliases: Herman Schultz
Appearances - Comics
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 5ft. 9in.
Weight: 175 lbs
Abilities: Suit is unable to be gripped, gauntlets project electricity-like air vibrations which cause discombobulation and loss of balance
Other notable features: Gifted and self-taught engineer. Created his own suit and was able to catch the attention of other villains based on his powerset. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF HIS WORDS. MASTER MANIPULATOR.
Threat level: 8
Weaknesses: Lack of self confidence, reliance on other villains, if his suit is damaged then he is out of commission.

I have a lot of personal problems with Shocker because of how he treats Jillian, but let's cut to the chase. Oh, and I'm sorry that Peter hasn't had a chapter focused on him yet. I promise he will be next. Anyway, Herman Schultz! He is one of those guys that the Spiderlings fought as teenagers when they were just starting out. He's not that big of a baddie, so I see why Stan Lee thought it was a good idea. What wasn't a good idea was for Herman to make his return.

See, as the Spiderlings take down bad guys, they make enemies. Herman loathed both of the spiders for putting him away, so when he breaks out (thanks to some friends wanting to start the Sinister Six) he has enough hatred in his mind to do some damage. And now that he has a group of villains to back him up, damage he does.

Narrowly escaping, the Spiderlings put him back in his place along with the other villains. However, Shocker manages to wiggle free with a few others and goes into hiding. A few years pass, and nothing has ever been greater for New York. The spiders put away most villains and Peter is having luck with the love of his life, Mary Jane Watson. Yes, it's high time that Peter and MJ got married.

But, you ask, what about Jillian? Does she get with her love interest? Sadly, Harry Osborn has been dating a girl who you may have heard of called Liz Allen. Jill wanted to be in a relationship with Harry, but since her brother is now starting to settle down, she's normally patrolling the streets alone while her brother lives in peace.

So, what does any of this have to do with Shocker? Glad you're curious. One of the things that keep Jill up at night is the fact that she was never able to see him and a few other villains behind bars. Shocker, Vulture, and Scorpion were on the top of her find and take down list. She goes alone to track down where they're hiding, and actually manages to find one of them. Guess who: Shocker.

Surprised but not unprepared, Shocker easily defeats Jill by amping up his gauntlets to almost make her ears bleed with its sound. Shocker asks where her brother is, and she responds that he got married and she took up the task of being a full time crime fighter.

Shocker realizes that Spider-Woman is taking this kind of hard and allows her to vent out her frustrations. Shocker disarms himself and consoles Jill - the two eventually grow feelings for one another. However, this doesn't change Shocker's heart. He is still a villain and she is still a hero. Jill realizes she is in a toxic relationship when Herman demands she reveals her secret identity to him. When she refuses, he almost kills her, but she manages to escape. These events occur in the main Earth (616), which means it happens in almost all other Earths.

Cool note: in the 1994 show they wanted to pursue this branch of Spider-Woman and Shocker's relationship. It would have happened in the Hydroman reincarnation episodes, but the producers thought it would be too inappropriate for kids to watch.

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