The Lizard

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Log: Three
Narrator: JJules95
Subject: Lizard
Notable Aliases: Doctor Curtis "Curt" Connors
Appearances - Comics
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 5ft. 11in. (Connors) 6ft. 8in. (Lizard)
Weight: 175 (Connors) 550 (Lizard)
Abilities: Superhuman strength, agility, bulletproof skin, sharp teeth, climb on walls, super smell (with tongue), super hearing, tail can detach and reform
Other notable features: Hard to control, rampaging type of enemy, can communicate with lizards (sometimes), the longer he stays the Lizard then the angrier and less smart he becomes
Threat Level: 6
Weaknesses: Loud noises, reasoning, uncontrollable

The Lizard to Peter is like the Doctor Octopus to Jill. Starting from the beginning, Peter and Jill have to take Curt's science class in college, and Peter immediately feels connected to the man. He quickly becomes a father figure, helping Peter out in his studies and helping Spider-Man in the science aspects of his job. Little did Peter know that Connors was working on something.

See, Doctor Connors lost one of his arms, the reason being very different in most comics. Secretly Connors has been studying the lizard and their qualities of being able to regrow their tails. See where this is going? He, of course, injects himself with the serum he made without properly waiting to test other things with it. He turns into the Lizard.

When he finds out the Lizard's identity, Peter is crushed and almost even gives up being Spider-Man. His sister snaps him out of it, because she goes to try and take on the Lizard alone but almost dies. Peter finally understands what he has to do: get his father figure back. He learns that he doesn't have to solve every problem as Spider-Man, but can solve problems as Peter Parker as well.

Using his knowledge and science brain, Peter manages to fix the serum and make an antidote. He successfully turns the Lizard back into Doctor Connors, but of course it's only temporary. The doctor needs constant injections of the antidote so he doesn't turn back into the Lizard. However, even as the Lizard, he is still trying his best to help Peter and his sister.

Only a few times has the Lizard ever joined the Sinister Six, and that was because someone else had forced him to join. Some big names who forced Lizard to join were Doctor Octopus (many times), Green Goblin (many times), and Electro (once). One time while in the group, Lizard had the chance to reveal Peter's identity and lift his mask, but he fought the urge and didn't. Instead, he rescued Peter from the fight and with the help of Jill, they got to safety.

Personally, I think the Lizard is one of the best villains out there because of his connection to Peter and the fact that he has a big enough heart to not reveal his identity. It takes a strong person to fight off their evil alter ego.

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