The Future Avengers

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Something funny that happened in Marvel's The Future Avengers. The episode where Deadpool breaks into Avengers Tower.

Makoto: I have to help, it's our job to protect Avengers Tower! *jumps out from behind wall and starts attacking*

Crossbones: Stay out of this, kid! *shoots his gun at Makoto*

Deadpool: *jumps in front of Makoto to protect him* Uuuggghhh... he's right. Stay out of this.

Makoto: No, I can't! I'm not a kid anymore, let me help!

Deadpool: You are a kid and that's final! I just took a dozen bullets for you - ack ouch that hurt.

Chloe: How are you still... alive?!

Crossbones: *tells Deadpool's backstory*

Deadpool: *looks at fourth wall* Who gave Skully here permission to spill my sob story?!

Me: Omg Deadpool just relax lol!

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