Spider Noira - Mayhem - Iron Spider

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Log: Eight
Narrator: JJules95
Subject: Spider Noira
Notable Aliases: Jillian Parker
Appearances: Comics, Into the Spiderverse, some TV shows
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 5ft. 10in.
Weight: 155 lbs
Abilities: All spider abilities
Threat Level: -3
Weaknesses: Bringing up emotions and those closest to her, gets angered easily

Weight: 155 lbsAbilities: All spider abilitiesThreat Level: -3Weaknesses: Bringing up emotions and those closest to her, gets angered easily

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This version of Jillian has had her secret identity revealed for a long time, meaning she refuses to get close to anyone. She even distances herself from her brother, Peter. If the bad guys see she has no friends or loved ones, they can't hurt her through emotions. Just by fists. Everything to her is black and white - good and evil. It's her job to take down the evil in the world so that the good can thrive. That's it really, no rewards, no happiness, no sadness. Just get the job done. Her suit is tan, black, and has a hint of dark blue in it. She wears goggles like her brother and a hat with a cape/trench coat.

Log: Nine
Narrator: JJules95
Subject: Mayhem
Notable Aliases: Lena Raine, Agent Mayhem
Appearances: Comics, Venom 2, some TV shows
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black, curly
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 5ft. 11in.
Weight: 160 lbs
Abilities: All spider abilities, shoots goop via symbiote
Threat Level: 7
Weaknesses: Loud noises, fire

Weight: 160 lbsAbilities: All spider abilities, shoots goop via symbioteThreat Level: 7Weaknesses: Loud noises, fire

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Mayhem is the sister symbiote to Venom. She is an outcast just like her brother symbiote, and when she is taken to Earth by astronauts, she bonds perfectly with a woman named Lena Raine. Lena doesn't really like the Spiderlings that much because they destroyed the café she had ownership of during one of their fights. When she bonds with Mayhem, she is able to control her rage and be the best antihero to ever fight alongside Venom.

Log: Ten
Narrator: JJules95
Subject: Iron Spider
Notable Aliases: Jillian Parker, Keli Cho
Appearances: Comics, some TV shows, Avengers Infinity War and Endgame
Eyes: (listing for Keli) Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale, Chinese origin
Height: 5ft. 5in.
Weight: 105 lbs
Abilities: All spider abilities, three (sometimes four) extra metal legs on back of suit
Threat Level: -2
Weaknesses: Armor damages, no spider sense, very young and inexperienced

Weight: 105 lbsAbilities: All spider abilities, three (sometimes four) extra metal legs on back of suitThreat Level: -2Weaknesses: Armor damages, no spider sense, very young and inexperienced

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First, let's talk about Keli Cho. She is the younger sister of Amadeus Cho and also Helen Cho's daughter. Yes, she has more affiliations with the Hulk, but Keli also bears the Iron Spider suit when it's not needed by its owner anymore. She is very young and smart, but inexperienced and has no spider powers other than the suit. Since it's just armor, there is no spider sense. Her brother wears the red and gold suit while she wears the blue and silver one.

Jillian first makes the suits with her brother Peter to take down the Spider Slayers and Doctor Octopus. Her suit is blue with silver accents while Peter's is red and gold. She gave up the suit with her brother after the storyline of Civil War because it was a reminder of the mistakes she made joining team Iron Man. A while later, Amadeus and Keli take the suits and become the Iron Spiders.

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