Earth-1048 Doctor Octopus

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Do not tell me ANYTHING that happens after the Raft prison break. I want to be surprised when I play the game!


Log: Eleven
Narrator: JJules95 with the help of Jillian and Peter
Subject: Doctor Octopus
Notable Aliases: Doc Ock, Otto Octavius, Dr. Octavius
Appearance: Earth-1048 PS4 Spiderlings Game
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 5ft. 9in.
Weight: 245 lbs
Abilities: A brilliant scientist and is obsessed with his work, leader, controls four titanium metal limbs with his mind that are attached to his spine, quick learner, has very close relations to Jillian and Peter
Threat Level: 11
Weaknesses: Cares too much for Peter and Jillian, blinded by anger directed toward Norman Osborn which can make him careless

Guys, I don't know HOW you do it. You both got beat to a pulp in the Raft when the prisoners broke out, along with the infamous Sinister Six, and you still have the strength to go after your own boss! Plus, he's a sick man who is just mad at Norman for making his life Hell. Tell me about it.

Hey all, it's Jill here. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about Dr. Octavius. He's really nice and is just a man in pain. We started working for him in order to get into research and make a difference in the world. No matter how many times Norman asked us to get employed at OSCORP instead, we always stuck by Otto's side. He's like a father to Peter and me, the father we never really had.

One day we were almost at a huge breakthrough in our research. We were working on bionic limbs that could help the disabled. Right before we could complete it, Norman Osborn came to the lab and took all our equipment because we "broke" some rules. We were technically being supported by him for equipment and materials, and couldn't pay back out debt.

Peter taking over. Yeah, I remember that day. Otto was so grief stricken, but he refused to give up. With our help, the three of us managed to use what we had left to make a pair of bionic arms that worked flawlessly. After fixing a few bugs, of course. But, our victory was not meant to last.

Around two weeks later, right when we perfected the arms, Jillian and I found out how sick the doctor was. He was a bit reckless in his youth and had exposed himself to highly toxic chemicals that make his muscles stop working. His mind still works, but it couldn't communicate to the body any longer. Jillian and I put two and two together and figured out that Otto wanted to make the arms to help himself out and continue his work. While we were away, Otto upgraded his arms and connected them to his spine. He made a node that connected to his brain so it could communicate with the arms and make them move.

Jill's back! Alright, so Peter and I ran the diagnostics on the brain piece and found an error. If he kept wearing the arms, it could alter his thoughts and even his mood. We told him to take the arms off so we could work out the problems, and he did, but we ended up having to leave early that day and he put the arms freaking back on! Otto, I get that Norman's campaign was coming back up for mayor of the city, but you have to work with us here! Sorry, I... ugh this next part I can't talk about. Peter, can you...?

Yeah, sis I got this. That night there was a prison break. Kind of intense, right? It wasn't the Raft, thank goodness, but it was scary. I couldn't even see Jillian most of the time, and it was dark outside with flashing lights. Unfortunately, that prison break was just a distraction while the villains at the Raft were freed of their cells.

Jillian and I got over there as fast as we could. We hitched a ride on the officer, Yuri Watanabi's, helicopter and made it to the Raft. It was pouring rain and still nighttime. Luckily, our pal Electro lit up the area so we could find our way around.

That was sarcasm.

Electro lured us over to each area of the Raft where one of our biggest enemies were being held over and over again. We ended up encountering Rhino, Scorpion, and Vulture inside the Raft. Once we got to the top on the outside, Mr. Negative flew down and disembarked from a helicopter. Him, Electro, Vulture, Scorpion, and Rhino cornered us on the platform and we got the LIVING WEBBING kicked out of us. On our last attempt to escape, Doctor Octavius crawled up the tower, using his robot arms, and warned us to not get in his way. Then he threw me and Jillian into the Hudson.

We were completely beaten, weren't we bro?

That, Jillian, we were. Then Doctor Octopus started his plan and released a biochemical virus on the city, blaming it on Norman since he was the one who engineered the virus.

Basically it was the COVID Pandemic, but before it was cool. And this one killed a lot more people a lot faster, and with a lot more blood involved. Gosh even our Aunt May wasn't doing so well, right Peter?

Yeah, but she's still alive. And we are gonna find a cure. That's our mission now - to take down Doc's Sinister Six and save the city.

Haha, no pressure. And after the beat down we received, we are totally ready to trade fists again with the villain team.

You got that right, sis. So, that's our scoop on our Otto Octavius. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Not bad at all.

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