Chapter 1

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Current cover credit goes to @ZapFtZayn, thanks for the awesom cover! Old cover is up there ^
I swayed to the music, letting my hair fall into my face as my ex-boyfriend grinded on me from behind. Usually I wouldn't have let him anywhere near me but we were all drunk and my mind was only focused on the pleasure of the buzz rather than who I was dancing with.

The bass thumped louder, vibrating in my chest as my eardrums rang with white noise. The laser lights around us shot faster, switching directions on the head of a pin. The DJ up front spun song after song, his eyes lustfully taking in the crowd dancing before him. I don't doubt he wished he could join us, but he was only hired to play music. Not dance.

My friend grabbed my wrist, nudging me away from my ex and into her arms. Soon I found that we were dancing together, our bodies moving to the beat as one. I saw several guys watching us, their gazes roaming over us while they licked their lips. It wasn't their fault, we were hot. And being drunk with my best friend probably wasn't the best idea, especially since neither of us were light drinkers. Though none of the buys seemed to mind.

"I'm having so much fun!" Toni screamed into my ear, her long red hair tumbling down her back in beautifully natural waves. Her pale gray eyes were alight with drunken excitement and joy. She licked her lips, watching a boy to her left through her long lashes. Her long but muscular arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me even closer.

She was using me to gain the attention of that guy, but I didn't mind. Because I was using her for the same reason. I tossed my own long auburn hair to the side, fluttering my eyes at a certain man who was tall, dark, and handsome. Toni pulled our bodies together until our stomachs were pressed tightly into one another, her hot breaths fanning over my neck. I smiled and placed a soft kiss on the tip of Toni's jaw, my eyes never leaving the man watching me from the corner. I saw him fidgeting, readjusting his pants.

I heard Toni laughing and soon I joined in as well, looking up towards the ceiling as I danced the night away with my best friend.

When the music died down and a slower song began, Toni took my hand in hers and led me off the dance floor to the bar. Technically, neither of us were old enough to drink but oh the beauty of fake ID's. By now the bartender easily recognized Toni and I, all we had to do was flash our million dollar smiles and the drinks appeared out of nowhere...or maybe it just seemed like that because I could no longer see straight. I was definitely too drunk to function at this point.

Toni clinked her glass against mine and swallowed the liquid whole. I was able to down about half of my drink before I felt someone's hand enclose mine and roughly jerk me to the side. I came face to face with the man who had been watching me. He definitely wasn't my age, he looked to be at least in his mid twenties. There was an abrasive scar slashed across the bottom of his chin but other than that, his face was clean cut and sharply chiseled.

"I saw you dancing." He smirked, leaning towards me as if that one line signaled his intentions.

With one flick of my wrist, I swished down the rest of my drink and tossed it back onto the bar without a second thought, "So?"

The man moved closer, pulling me further into him while his hands moved to rest on my hips, "So I figured maybe you could practice those dance moves on me, back at my place maybe. Or in the ally, or the bathroom. Anywhere really would do just fine."

I heard myself giggle as I pushed away from him, "No thank you, I'm not a slut sir."

To further my denial, Toni slipped her hands into mine and jerked me out of the man's grasp, "Besides, she's here with me and we don't make it a habit of ditching each other."

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