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𝘿eanna was throwing a welcome party for the group. Olivia wouldn't stop talking about it as she and Adalyn ran inventory.

Adalyn was more than thankful when Carol showed up looking for ingredients for cookies. Olivia scanned the list, smiling as she asked, "You really substitute applesauce for eggs? That could change my life."

"If we can keep that between you and me," Carol said. "It's sort of the secret to these cookies."

"Are you serious?" Olivia asked with a chuckle.

"I am," Carol replied. "A girl's got only so many secrets."

"It'll die with me."

"And me," Adalyn said, earning a flash of a genuine smile from Carol before the older woman's broad grin returned.

Olivia looked at the list of inventory items in Adalyn's hands. "The chocolate is kind of a trick," she said.

"You actually have it?" Carol asked, eyes going wide.

"I can only ration you a quarter bar," Olivia said with a nod.

"I'll make it work," Carol smiled.

Adalyn worked out the numbers on the list, writing out what chocolate would be remaining.

"Hey, Olivia," a voice said, and Adalyn looked up to see two men. "We're gonna need to make a withdrawal."

"Late start?" Olivia asked.

The man at the front shrugged. "Boss lady wants me to check that strut on the east wall before the party."

Olivia flashed a smile. "Head on back. Carol, just grab what you need. Chocolate's in the hall freezer.  Adalyn, help her if she needs it."

"All right," Adalyn said, offering a brief smile before Olivia hurried off with the two men.

She watched Carol move to the freezer, taking out some chocolate. 

Olivia was taking down the guns that men were taking when Carol looked toward her, eyes widening as she took in all of the weapons.

"You afraid of guns, ma'am?" asked one of the men.

Carol shrugged, smiling awkwardly. "Mm, no, I... well, I had a handgun and I carried a rifle when we were on the outside, but I'm not an expert." She chuckled as she scanned the guns one more time. "Not with those, at least."

"Well, my name is Tobin," the man said with a smile. "And whenever you want, I'd be happy to teach you. Just better to be safe than sorry."

Carol just kept smiling. "That'd be nice. Thanks, Tobin."

Tobin looked toward Olivia, content with his picks. "Thank you, Olivia."

And then he was gone. Carol and Olivia shared a smile, and Adalyn squeezed Carol's shoulder before the older woman left.

Adalyn found herself clothes for the party. She showered and did her hair up nice and really, she looked good, and after so long of not looking good, that felt great. Clean jeans, a clean button-down shirt. That was great.

She walked alongside Rick, who held Judith tight in his arms as they stepped into Deanna's house. Carl led them. Carol was just ahead.

Deanna turned at the sound of the door opening, smiling. "Oh, my," she said. "Welcome."

Carol beamed. "Hi," she said.

"Oh, it's so good to see you," Deanna said. She glanced at Carl. "Hi, Carl." Then, Rick and Adalyn. "Thank you both for coming."

Adalyn offered a smile, but Deanna was suddenly occupied with Judith. "You know, I didn't get a chance to interview this one," she joked. "I envy her."

"Why?" Rick asked.

"She'll get to see what this place will become. Come. Come on in."

Adalyn took Rick's hand.

Behind her, Abraham and Rosita entered. Rosita was wearing a dress, and the sight could have made Adalyn laugh, had Abraham not been wearing a dress shirt and nice pants. That was the part that made her laugh.

Abraham gave her a pointed look before he muttered to Rosita, "I don't know about this."

Rosita shrugged. "They have beer, "she said.

Abraham nodded. "I'm gonna try."

Adalyn swept up the first glass of wine she could get her hands on, not leaving Rick's side as she drank. She smiled awkwardly at the man that approached with Deanna, whom Adalyn could only assume was her husband Reg.

"You're Rick," he said. "So that must make you Adalyn."

Deanna nodded. "You two, this is my husband Reg," she introduced.

Reg smiled as he looked Rick over. "You're a pretty remarkable guy," he said.

"How's that?" Rick asked, smiling politely.

"I watched the tapes. All of them. The things those people said about you. The things you did for them." Reg waved a hand toward Adalyn. "I only wish I could've heard this one's opinion. My wife here got her talking about other matters."

Rick nodded slightly. "Didn't you build that wall out there?" he asked.

Reg chuckled. "Yeah, I did, with help. A lot of it. And it's a damned incredible achievement. But it's a wall."

Rick even chuckled at that with Deanna, while Adalyn managed a smile. 

"Fifteen lives in this world?" Reg asked. "I think you have me beat."

"Well, we're standing behind that wall right now, dear," Deanna said. "So let's call it a tie." More quiet laughter from Rick and Reg, while Adalyn just wanted to shrink away and never be seen again.

"Well, I'm glad you're here," Reg told Rick. "Now, be like your friend here and have a drink."

"I'm good," Rick replied.

"You don't have to be," Reg said.

Rick took a breath before nodding. Reg laughed. "There you go," he said, and he handed over a glass before filling it with whiskey. "Go on. Right. Welcome."

"Thank you," Rick nodded.

The front door opened, and a woman stepped inside, ushering in two boys and a man, smiling. Adalyn didn't miss the way Rick was looking at her as he took a sip from his glass.

It made her stomach feel like it had turned to ice, but she just smiled and drank her wine. She squeezed Rick's hand.

Thankfully, he squeezed back.

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