The Giving Tree

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My breath hitched, the world around ceased and silenced. We were back to the small town we grew up, climbing the fallen logs playing King of the Forest. He would always be the empowered king while I was always the faithful knight at his side. The large dragons flew through the sky above taunting us, as we chased and jumped after them, then in exhaustion we would fall to the ground covered in sweat and dirt but he smiles never leaving our faces.

But now, we weren't in the mythical woods playing with the creature there. No, we were in a crowded city stopped along a beaten old path covered in snow, lining the road. We'd both grown both grown, him much taller than I. Tears streaked both of our cheeks, each other's eyes locked to the muddy brown slush coating our boots. No words were shared; none would suffice. In that moment we shared the same thought.

I stepped up to my tip-toes as he's swooped down capturing my lips, his hands wrapping around my waist as mine did the same to his. He pulled me closer hugging me tighter, as if we held a silent agreement of never leave each other. We pulled apart, my head resting on his chest while his atop my head.

"Please." he whispered, muffled by his silent tears.

"I know." I tried. His fingers brushed down my arms intertwining his lanky fingers with my own. After a few minuets we separated, we looked at each other before he broke the silence.

"I'll be back in a week, before we decide on anything." He said gently. Knowing that I was all he had left, I knew he would try.

"Just wait, after this week we can go back to hunting them pesky dragons down. My faithful knight." He reassured with a sad smile, but I could see he was saying this more for his benefit than anything.

"I'll take you home." He said as we turned starting to my apartment. The next day, Markon left for the SIC camp.

The one week he was gone was long, continuously the same routine. School, homework, work, sleep. Markon was not permitted to have his phone on him while away at the camp.

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