Left behind

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Salty air danced across pale lips as they moved to the soft melody that played my ears.

Glistening golden locks whirled in the breeze as white foam capped waves lapped at the docked boats lining the horizon.

Gentle hands gripped mine mine, Geary blues locked to my own, my breath trapped in my chest.

Her words rung in ears; more clear than the fall sky; they were unheard by the few that past.

Slender arms slinked around my waist for one last gentle embrace, before she turned to words the direction that will forever leave me.

Planted to moist cold sand, the chilling breeze turned to gusting winds, the jacket hung around my shoulders did little to go against.

My heart throbbed in my chest, the all to familiar darkness blanketing it once again.

Feet carried me away to the all too quiet apartment that holds the secrets that locked my heart away.

My weight fell onto the cold, low mattress covered in only a thin auburn sheet, as my eyes drifted close to the imposing dreamless Sleep

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